Home Latest News 🎙PODCAST | The left, in a loop with Trump

🎙PODCAST | The left, in a loop with Trump


Eight years have passed since Donald Trump’s traumatic election victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton and the global left is still trapped in the same loop. Trump lost in 2020, but he hasn’t disappeared from politics all that time, and his most radical version just won the election again. His example also extended to other leaders in Latin America, Europe and Spain. And liberals, progressives, the left around the world still don’t really know how to react.

We spoke with Iñigo Sáenz de Ugarte, deputy director of elDiario.es and international analyst, about the failed strategies of the Democratic Party in light of the electoral results of last November 5 in the United States. With Ana Requena Aguilar, editor-in-chief of Gender on elDiario.es, we analyze the reactionary anti-feminist current and the maneuvers it uses to convince the men who supported Trump.


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