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1.5 million in fraud from a person convicted of the same crime in Baku

An appeal has been filed against the sentence of Khanlar Jafarov, who is accused of fraud in the sale of several apartments to individual citizens in Baku.

According to information obtained by, the complaint will be investigated under the chairmanship of Baku Court of Appeal Judge Emin Aliyev.

The preliminary preparatory session of the court is scheduled for September 5.

It should be noted that the investigation materials mention that X. Jafarov worked as the director of LLC “Avro Grand” from 2014 to 2019. In order to obtain an illegal advantage in connection with the performance of his official duties, he signed the contract of sale of 150 m2 of non-residential land built by MMC at 10 Mammadov Street dated May 27, 2015. The Binagadi district of the capital was mostly sold to Zahid Jafarov. However, the director of the company sold this non-residential area to Rovshan Alakbarov in 2016 and received 170,910 manats from him.

Moreover, according to the contract concluded between X. Jafarov “Avro Grand” LLC and “Khalafli” MTK, the area of ​​the building constructed by the said LLC at 21 Hazi Aslanov Street, Absheron Region, Khirdalan City, by order of MTK, is 86 m2. Despite knowing that the apartment belongs to “Khalafli” MTK, Rovshan Ismayilova sold it for 8,500 manats as a down payment, and then for 25,000 manats.

In addition, he joined a group of persons who previously conspired with other persons and sold the 69 m2 apartment in the building constructed by LLC “Euro Grand” at H. Aslanov 21, Khirdalan city, Absheron region, to Fikret Ovchiyev. However, the director of the company resold the said apartment to Vali Tanriverdiyev for 35,000 manats.

At the same time, X. Jafarov sold to Rafig Abilov a 98 m2 apartment in the building built by Avro Grand LLC on 10 Adil Mammadov Street, Binagadi District, Baku, 9th microdistrict. However, he committed fraud by selling this apartment to Babek Valiyev for 75,000 manats.

K. Jafarov sold Kamil Gadirov’s apartment to Elvin Bayramov for 60,000 manats, Hasan Aliyev’s apartment to Rasim Ismayilov for 35,000 manats, Rahman Yusifov’s apartment to Tahir Isayev for 73,000 manats, Shamil Najafov’s apartment to Rauf Pashayev for 18,000 manats, Elnur Balakishizade’s apartment to Rakhiv for 10,000 manats. He sold Khazar Aliyev’s apartment for 62,000 manats, Sultan Sultanov’s apartment to Rajaf Orukhov for 48,000 manats, and Hikmet Bagirov’s apartment to Rufat Gurbanov for 47,000. 1600 manats.

There are 12 victims in the case. The damage amounted to 1.5 million manats.

During the investigation, he was charged with Criminal Code 178.3.2 (massive fraud, 308.2 (Abuse of official authority)) and 320.1 (forgery, illegal preparation, sale or use of false documents).

It should be noted that by the verdict of the Baku Court of Serious Crimes, X. Jafarov was sentenced to 9 years in prison. He was arrested for the same act earlier and served a life sentence.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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