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HomeBreaking News106 years have passed since the liberation of Baku from the Armenian-Bolshevik...

106 years have passed since the liberation of Baku from the Armenian-Bolshevik occupation

September 15 is the day when Baku was liberated from the occupying Armenian-Bolshevik units.

Oku.Az He made a brief visit to the historic day.

106 years ago, on September 15, 1918, the Caucasus Islamic Army led by Nuru Pasha and Azerbaijani soldiers entered Baku and liberated the city from Armenian-Bolshevik occupation. In this way, Azerbaijan’s independence was secured and the domination of Armenians and Bolsheviks in Baku and the surrounding regions was ended.

The liberation of Baku from Armenian-Bolshevik occupation is one of the most glorious pages in the history of Azerbaijan in the 20th century.

Despite Azerbaijan’s declaration of independence in May 1918, part of the country’s territory – Baku and the surrounding regions – was under the control of Armenians and Bolsheviks. In this case, it was difficult to imagine the state independence of Azerbaijan. The possibilities of ensuring the territorial integrity of our young state, which had just gained its independence and was not yet recognized in the international world, were not sufficient. In such circumstances, despite its very difficult situation, Ottoman Turkey sent its military forces to Azerbaijan under the command of Nuru Pasha to ensure the territorial integrity of brotherly Azerbaijan.

Despite objections from European countries to the arrival of Turkish troops in Azerbaijan, Ottoman Turkey, which did not spare its fraternal assistance and did not leave our country in peace, honorably fulfilled its historical duty in August-September 1918.

After the great and historic victory, the capital of the government of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was moved from Ganja to Baku on September 17. Thus began the main stage of state building in Azerbaijan.

The liberation of Baku from the Bolshevik-Dashnak occupation by the Turkish army caused a real celebration in the city. The famous millionaire and philanthropist Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev organized a solemn banquet in honor of the Turkish army. The party was held in the building of the current State Philharmonic Hall. HZ Taghiyev presented gifts to the commander of the Turkish army Nuru Pasha and his heroic generals.

The liberation of Baku on September 15, 1918 is a great event of exceptional importance in terms of friendship and brotherhood between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Ottoman troops claimed 1,130 martyrs in the military operations for the liberation of Baku.

After Azerbaijan regained its independence, on September 15, not only in Baku, but also in other cities and regions, the graves of Turkish soldiers who died for the territorial integrity of our country are visited. Every year, a memorial ceremony is held in front of the Turkish Martyrdom monument erected in memory of the martyred Turkish soldiers on the Alley of Martyrs.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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