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HomeBreaking News2 Basques, a 'seal', a Czech reservist...

2 Basques, a ‘seal’, a Czech reservist…

Jose Maria Basoa Valdovinos And Andrés Martinez Adasme They were two anonymous Spanish citizens until Diosdado Cabello, the Venezuelan Interior Minister, involved them in a plot to eliminate Nicolas Maduro. The Chavista government arrested them, along with 12 others, and accused them of having links to the National Intelligence Center (NIC)an extreme denial by the executive of Pedro Sánchez. Spain, according to Caracas, is “up to its neck” involved in an operation led by the United States to destabilize Venezuela.

In statements broadcast Saturday by national channel VTV, Cabello launched a series of serious accusations against Basoa and Martínez, both from Bilbao. Apparently, according to their relatives, they had traveled as a tourist from Madrid to Caracas on August 17. September 2 was the last day they had news of them. Their relatives asked for help: they reported the disappearance to the Ertzaintza and asked for the collaboration of citizens through a social network to be able to locate them.

According to the regime, the operation would involve the purchase of hundreds of weapons, riots, mass prison breaks and a Attack on Argentine Embassy to turn international community against Maduroamong other actions.

Cabello’s Incendiary Appearance Occurs in the midst of a diplomatic crisis between Venezuela and SpainAfter the political asylum of the opponent Edmundo González in Madrid, the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, defined the Maduro regime as a “dictatorship.”

The youth of Bilbao, according to the Venezuelan minister, would have established contacts to buy explosives and planned the assassination of a “revolutionary mayor.” Among the names mentioned by Cabello are those of four detainees –three Americans and one Czech-, a former police commissioner in Caracas and several Venezuelan opponents, such as Maria Machadoallegedly aware of the plot. Next, we tell you who is who in the conspiracy denounced by Chavismo.

Basoa and Martínez, the inhabitants of Bilbao

Jose Maria Basoa Valdovinos And Andrés Martinez Adasme to have 35 and 32 years old respectively. According to their relatives, they both took a flight from Madrid to Caracas on August 17. In the Venezuelan capital, they rented a car that they were supposed to return on September 5, but they did not. They stopped communicating with their relatives on September 2, the day they were last seen in Inírida, Colombia, en route to Puerto Ayacucho (Venezuela). Your last telephone connection was “at 8:23.”.

This is detailed in a Facebook message published last week asking for the collaboration of citizens to find the two individuals. José María and Andrés were traveling “without a guide.” The publication on the social network includes the heights and weights of each: 1.71 meters and 70 kilograms for the first; and 1.69 meters and 65 kg, the second.

His digital traces are few. José María Basoa indicates on his LinkedIn account – where he uses a seemingly outdated profile photo – that he has experience in the installation, repair and maintenance of heating, gas, plumbing and air conditioning. Specifically, he indicates having worked “two years in the company Neidel und Christian (Göttingen, Germany) and three months in Aizeklima SL (Bilbao)”. Other experiences are also listed as “business studies and market research” personnel at XBS PROLOG SA, a logistics company based in Poland.

A profile linked to Bilbao appears on Andrés Martínez Adasme’s professional social network, but without a photo and practically without information. In the statements to The worldHis father explained that his son and the other detainee were on holiday and were not part of the CNI. The Spanish Embassy in Venezuela is waiting to have access to the two people arrested and accused of terrorism.

Three Americans and a Czech

Of the 14 detained by the Venezuelan government, only the names of six have been revealed: the Bilbao residents, an alleged American SEAL, two other Americans and a Czech. The latter is called Jan Darmovzal. He The Ministry of People’s Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace has released an image of him, photographed from the front while holding a piece of paper with his name, nationality and passport number written on it.

Czech investigative magazine NEOVLIVNI.CZ claims that Darmovzal is 30 years old and a active reservist of a Czech parachute regiment. He was once a “great athlete” and spent five years in Singapore, where he studied law remotely at the University of London. Upon his return to the Czech Republic, He first worked in the state administration, then in the army..

Cabello stressed that the person most responsible for the operation was an alleged active member of the U.S. Navy SEAL special forces and an explosives expert. Wilbert Joseph Castanedaleader of a group called AZ Command. “He has extensive experience in sabotage, explosives, urban combat, parachuting, he is an expert in mixed weapons and rifles; and he was captured here in Venezuela on September 1 in the mountainous area of ​​Colonia Tovar,” the minister said.

The other two Americans would be David Estrelle And Aaron Darren Logandesof which no further information has been revealed.

Former Commissioner Ivan Simonovis

In this operation to end the Venezuelan regime and the lives of Nicolas Maduro and Delcy Rodríguez, his executive vice president, the role of the former police commissioner of Caracas Ivan Simonovis This seemed essential, in Cabello’s words. He would be behind the “trafficking” of weapons and would have “direct” links in Venezuela with opposition leaders, among them Corina Machado, main supporter of the former presidential candidate Edmundo González.

Venezuelan Commissioner Iván Simonovis.

X (formerly Twitter)

In 2002, while he was head of citizen security in Caracas, Simonovis was imprisoned for the tragic events that occurred during a massive demonstration on April 11, 2002, the same one that led to the failed coup against Hugo Chávez. The police officer was accused of being guilty of the violent deaths of 19 people during the demonstration, which he denied. Known as the “red prisoner,” Simonovis was considered a historic political prisoner of Chavismo until 2019, when he escaped from house arrest.

Ponte and Clavijo, “contacts” of the Spanish

Cabello also claimed that the two Spaniards had contacted Jessica Isabela Ponte Figuerawho allegedly participated in the opposition’s post-election protests. In telephone conversations, Basoa and Martínez allegedly asked the woman how to “buy explosives” and how to contact “groups that wanted to do special work.” “In direct communication, they are planning the assassination of the mayor of Upata (Yulisbeth García), mentioned literally. She is a revolutionary mayor,” added the head of the Interior.

In the same way, he linked them to Maria Teresa Clavijoa senior official of the Vente Venezuela movement, whose national coordinator is Corina Machado. In an October 2022 article published on the Vente Venezuela website, Clavijo appears as the political secretary of this organization in the state of Aragua.

Machado and other opponents

The Chavista regime also claims that several Venezuelan opponents were aware of the destabilization operation. Among them, Maria Corina Machado, that He pushed the candidacy of Edmundo González.

Diosdado Cabello also mentioned Juan Pablo Guanipa, close collaborator of the former presidential candidate; Carlos Vecchiosimilar to Juan Guaidó; and Jules Borges, former president of the Venezuelan parliament.




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