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“24 hours” drug drop that disrupted the security of a neighborhood in Arteixo

“24 hours” drug drop that disrupted the security of a neighborhood in Arteixo

The hard core of The La Mora clan is responsible for the ’24-hour’ drug ‘supermarket’ that has security under control residents of the town of Meicende, in Arteixo (La Coruña), are already behind bars. The Civil Guard considers the organization, well known in the region for its dedication to small-scale drug trafficking, to be dismantled.

The Civil Guard had been preparing for several months what it called Operation Morochos. The agents were gathering evidence until this week they launched an operation in which more than 50 civil guards participated, in which They practiced eight entries and searches in which they seized various quantities of drugs, precision scales, cash and several knives.

In total, ten members of the La Mora clan were arrested. Nine of them were brought to court on Thursday, as one of them had previously been released from police custody. And the magistrate of the investigating court number 7 of La Coruña, acting as guardian, decreed the imprisonment of five of these individuals. Precautionary measures were imposed on the four released people, consisting of withdrawing their passports and prohibiting them from leaving Spain. They are all under investigation crimes against public health and membership in a criminal group, as reported by the Superior Court of Xustiza de Galicia (TSXG).

The La Mora clan operated out of a building and ground floor house in the town of Meicende. I had the well-defined spaces for the sale and consumption of drugs “on site”. The door was open 24 hours a day and maintained a constant flow of addicts, many in very vulnerable conditions, who came to buy drugs. This has transformed the neighborhood into a hotbed of insecurity and has seriously impaired the security of the area. Among those detained, as reported this Friday by the Civil Guard, are the alleged leaders of the clan as well as collaborators dedicated to logistical support and drug supply.


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