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HomeBreaking News26-year-old man dies after being stabbed with glass in the street in...

26-year-old man dies after being stabbed with glass in the street in San Blas: there is one prisoner

New knife attack in Madrid ended in the death of the victimA 26-year-old man died after being stabbed in the street in the San Blas neighborhood, Madrid’s emergency services spokesman reported.

The events occurred around 5 a.m. in a shopping mall located on the corner of Francisco Íñiguez Almech and Herencia streets, as reported by the aforementioned sources. The young man was in cardiorespiratory arrest and had a stab wound to the armpit caused by through the glass of a bottle.

When the Samur troops arrived at the scene, they found several National Police officers performing resuscitation maneuvers on the young man. The paramedics continued the maneuvers, but they did not obtain any results, so finally, They had to confirm the death.

The National Police made an arrest following these events and arrived at the scene after several neighbors warned that Screams were heard from a public fight and a person was calling for helpas reported by police sources. The National Police has opened an investigation to try to elucidate these events.

No hypothesis on the origin of the fight has been ruled out, but police sources stress that Madrid Total that, given the nature of the facts, This is not a fight between Latino gangs.




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