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HomeBreaking News30,000 kilometers in 15 days, a biography and its great legacy

30,000 kilometers in 15 days, a biography and its great legacy

On August 3, 2020, the Juan Carlos Emeritus (86 years old) wrote a letter to his son, the King Philip (56 years old), informing him of his departure from Spain “due to past events in my private life”. Few could have imagined that over time, the former monarch’s visits to our country would become more and more frequent.

Over the past four years, Juan Carlos I came to Spain 14 timesand, as confirmed SPANISHThere will be a fifteenth in the coming days. Although the sovereign was in Madrid last weekend to attend the funeral of his beloved nephew Juan Gomez-AceboToday, after leaving the hotel where he was staying – and which so outraged those around him – and the country where he was once head of state, The emeritus will return in two weeksbut not towards the capital.

It will be next Monday, September 23, when Queen Sofia’s husband (85) return to the place where you feel happiest: Sanxenxo. At the Royal Nautical Club of the aforementioned municipality of Pontevedra, the grandfather of the Princess of Asturias (18) will participate on board the Naughty at the European Championship in the 6-metre class.

[De la ovación al emérito Juan Carlos al traspiés de la reina Sofía: lo que no se vio del funeral por Juan Gómez-Acebo]

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía leave the funeral mass for the death of Juan Gómez-Acebo.

The ship of Juan Carlos Iwhich competes under the banner Náutico de Sanxenxo, is to date the maximum Spanish and world reference of the class in the classic category, accumulating in its showcases three world titles (Vancouver 2017, Hanko 2019 and Cowes 2023) and three European titles (La Trinité 2018, Sanxenxo 2021, Cascais 2022).

It must be worth it for him to travel over 30,000 kilometers by plane. at almost 87 years old and its obvious mobility problems, given the 7,511 kilometers that separate the Spanish capital from that of the United Arab Emirates. There, in the Persian Gulf, not only does he reside, but he also has his tax residence. The happiness of Juan Carlos de Borbón y Borbón is in Spaineven though its center of operations, in every sense of the word, is Abu Dhabi.

[Felipe VI y Letizia dan el último adiós a Juan Gómez-Acebo junto a los Eméritos y el resto de la familia en un funeral celebrado en Madrid]

King Juan Carlos during one of his visits to Sanxenxo.

The Spanish

After attending the funeral of her sister’s eldest son in Madrid last Sunday, the Infanta Pilar–where he found the Kings Felipe and Letizia (51)–, it appeared this Monday that the emeritus created with his daughters a foundation, the Elena children (60) and Christine (59 years old), in Abu Dhabi, with whom, in addition to promoting his almost four decades of reign, he seeks to be able to transfer his legacy to them more easily. This is how he tells it. TrustL.

The foundation was created in the emirate where he resides, with the help of a Spanish lawyer, and Elena and Cristina are part of its board of directorsThe aim is to raise awareness of the figure of the monarch by financing educational and cultural activities, while taking advantage of the advantageous legislation of United Arab Emirates to centralize his fortune outside Spain and leave it as an inheritance to his daughters.

In addition to the almost zero taxation of this type of foundation, Abu DhabiAdded to this is the secrecy surrounding its operating rules and the true ownership of the assets, so Heirs come to control the company’s assets after their parents’ deathwithout the identity of any of them having to be made public.

This move guarantees his two daughters access to his millionaire estate, which excludes the King Philip VIsince it must be recalled that Her Majesty and Princess Leonor expressly renounced in April 2019 any inheritance that could be bequeathed to them Juan Carlos. This information, however, was only known in March 2020, in the midst of the pandemic lockdown, when Zarzuela announced that Philip VI He had decided to withdraw from his father the allowance provided for in the budgets of the King’s House.

King Juan Carlos with Infantas Elena and Cristina at the wedding of José Luis Martínez-Almeida and Teresa Urquijo last April.

The creation of this entity, according to the aforementioned media, This is something the emeritus has been working on for several months.A Spanish lawyer with an office in Madrid is said to have travelled to the Emirate several times to launch the foundation and finalise the details that will ensure that the Infantas Elena and Cristina can access their inheritance. As published, The New York Times With the data from 2012, the fortune of Juan Carlos I could amount to 2.1 billion euros.

For his part, according to VanitatisThe monarch would be writing his memoirs, in which he could reveal previously unknown experiences of his intense life. At the moment it is not known when they will see the light, although the announcer Carlos Herrera (67 years old), one of the best friends of the emeritus, assured that “They will come out when Don Juan Carlos wants them to.“, suggesting that he is in no rush to publish them.

What emerged was that, in order to tell his autobiography, the emeritus He asked his daughters to bring him documents, pictures and papers to Abu Dhabi so that his memories would be as faithful to reality as possible.




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