Thursday, September 12, 2024
HomeTop Stories330,000 patients consume it in Spain

330,000 patients consume it in Spain

THE Article 15 of the Barcelona Court ordered the removal of one of the pharmaciesoral anticoagulant medication – Apixaban-, produced by Teva Pharmaafter a patent dispute with Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS).

In the judgment, reported by Europa Press this Monday, it is explained that Teva Pharma filed a complaint on June 8, 2022 against BMS in which it requested that the patent be declared null and void and ordered its cancellation before the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. titles that protect apixaban marketed in Spain under the brand name “Eliquis”.

BMS responded to the lawsuit on December 12, 2022 and opposed it, alleging the validity of the claimed priority and the validity of the title because “plausibility is not a condition of patentability and, in any case, because the patent was perfectly plausible”.

In this case, the Barcelona court restored andBMS’s monopoly on medicine –under the brand name ‘Eliquidis’–.

Against this resolution, IThe parties may appeal of cassation before the court within 20 days of notification.

380,000 euros more per day

According to ‘El País’, this withdrawal means that the Autonomous communities must pay 380,000 euros more per day (138 million per year) to finance the treatment of public health patients.

“Each box of 60 Eliquis 2.5 mg tablets costs 81.96 euros, while the generic Teva is 45% cheaper. (45.08 euros)”, they detail, even if users will not notice the change since their contribution in pharmacy is 4.27 euros in both cases.

THE sick Those who take the drug privately will notice the increase, because They will have to pay 433 euros more per year.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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