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40% of SMEs have produced the digital kit, 10 points more than the average

Soria has become an example of digitalization where it is the companies of Soria themselves that carry out the transformation process, in addition to being at the forefront of the requests for the Digital Kit. In this sense, the Digital Kit has 40 percent of the requests, that is, approximately. 3,500 companies, compared to 30 percent of the national average.

In total, 3,500 companies in Soria have requested the Digital Kit and 40% of SMEs have already obtained it. This is the data offered to the Chamber of Commerce of Soria by the general director of, Jesús Herrero Poza, accompanied by Víctor Rodrigo Raya, director of Areas, Systems and Digital Kit and vice-president of the Chamber, Alfredo García Tejero.

Their presence in Soria to present the news of the Kit Digital and Kit Consulting programs is the first in a series that will take place in different Spanish capitals. The choice of Soria is not a coincidence, in the words of Herrero himself, since the percentage of companies interested in the Kit Digital was much higher in this province than in other territories of Spain.

He also commented on the “special Sorian case”, according to which companies They turned to local digitization agents to launch the different digitalization solutions envisaged in the obligations promoted by the Spanish Government and managed by, an entity attached to the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Public Service through the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence and in collaboration with the Chambers of Commerce.

Digitization “à la Soriana”

“There is already digitalization in the Soriana way,” stressed Herrero, who also highlighted that “40% of SMEs in Soriana already benefit from the help of the Digital Kit and count on local suppliers to do so.” in Soria the digital bonus of the Digital Kit program It was not only used to have a digital presence, through a website, but business management systems such as PR or CRM have been implemented.

A significant number of companies and self-employed people from the province of Soria gathered in the assembly hall of the Chamber of Commerce, interested in knowing in detail the news of Kit Digital and Kit Consulting, with the help of the managers of Red. est. They also had the opportunity to ask questions about the process of granting aid, deadlines, etc.

During the conference, it was recalled that with the help of the Digital Kit, companies can obtain from 3,000 to 12,000 euros, depending on the size of the organization, to dedicate to the digitalization of their processes. In addition, for the segment of companies with 0 to less than 3 employees A new solution is added to the catalog, the Safe WorkplaceThe call for aid for the third segment is open until the end of 2025.

In addition, a new call for applications will be opened in the last quarter of the year for companies with 50 to less than 250 employees who integrates Artificial Intelligence solutions for businesses.

For its part, Kit Consulting is the Spanish government’s aid program, managed by, which allows SMEs to design the roadmap for their digital transformation. It is a digital consulting voucher whose amount must be used when contracting consulting services. The amount varies depending on the size of the company: 12,000 euros (companies with 10 to less than 50 employees), 18,000 euros (for companies with 50 to less than 100 employees) and 24,000 euros (companies with 100 to less than 250 workers). This aid can be requested until December 31, 2024. This programme has a budget of 300 million euros. To date, more than 6,000 companies have already applied.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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