The educational centers in the area affected by DANA in the province of Valencia which resume their activities this Monday will number 47 after the last update with the town halls. The storm affected a total of 92 educational centers spread across around twenty municipalities, and this Monday, a little more than half of them returned to school.
After the evaluation of the technicians of the General Directorate of Educational Infrastructures, the centers in which the need for replacement, complete rehabilitation or major repairs has been determined amount to 12. Finally, there are 9 other centers which have already been visited but they are still in a state of evaluation and delivery of the corresponding report.
However, the centers that open their doors this Monday are those in the municipalities of Alaquàs, Aldaia, Algemesí, Alginet, Cheste, Dos Aguas, Godelleta, l’Alcudia, Montroi, Siete Aguas, Torrent, Utiel and Yátova, as well as the Les neighborhoods of València are now opening their doors, in some cases activity has already resumed at the end of last week. There will be two circumstances, those of the start of classes this Monday, November 11, and the gradual entry of students.
Relocation of centers and students
In Aldaia: La Font de la Rosa Children’s Center. El Rajolar will gradually be transferred to CEIP, as it is currently used as a logistics center; CEIP Platero y Yo, will move in the coming days to CEIP Ciudad de Cremona de Alaquàs; CEIP Mariano Benlliure, its students will be relocated as follows: the Infantile line at CEIP Martínez Torres and the Primary line at Ausiàs March in the same city; IES Salvador Gadea, will have a progressive incorporation of students; The rest of the city centers are operating normally.
In Albal: CEIP San Carlos Borromeo, will have a gradual entry; CEIP San Blas, Moves to CEIP La Balaguera in the same municipality with gradual entry; IES in Albal, the students will be integrated as the electrical installation is replaced; The CEIP Juan Esteve Muñoz is currently used as a logistics center, so it is up to the City Hall to transfer the equipment it houses to other facilities.
In Alfafar: CEIP Orba is moving to CEIP La Fila, in the same municipality, gradually, since the latter is used as a logistics center; The Rabisancho infant school will be transferred to municipal facilities; IES April 25, gradual entry of students for cleaning tasks.
In Algemesí: CEE Alberto Tortajada. Starts Monday; CEIP Carme Miquel. Its students are gradually transferred to CEIP Ribalta from the same population; IES Bernat Guinovart, lack of cleanliness, gradual entry; CEIP Blasco Ibáñez, gradual entry of students; CEIP Cervantes, gradual entry of students; CEIP Ribalta, progressive entry students; The CEIP Virgen del Pilar begins on Monday.
In Alginet: the CEIP Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, the child goes to the municipal school and the primary school goes to the CEIP Pepita Greus, in the same town; CEIP Maestro Emilio Luna, gradual entry of students; The CEIP Pepita Greus starts on Monday.
In Benetússer: CEIP Cristóbal Colón, gradual entry of students; CEIP Vicent Ricart Bonillo, gradual entry of students; IES María Carbonell i Sánchez, gradual entry of students; CEIP Blasco Ibáñez, gradual entry of students.
In Beniparrell: CEIP Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, the child goes to Verge del Desamparats de Silla and primary school students go to El Patí de Silla.
In Catarroja: CEIP Bertomeu Llorens i Royo; Students will have gradual entry; CEIP Jaume I the Conqueror. Students will have gradual entry; CEIP Joan XXIII, Infantile goes to CEIP Bertomeu Llorens on Monday, in Primary there is a progressive entry; CEIP Paluzié, Infant goes Monday to Jaume I, in Primary, progressive entry; CEIP Vila·la Romana, pending confirmation of the relocation; IES Berenguer Dalmau, students will be transferred to IES l’Om de Picassent.
In Cheste, the three centers IES n1, IES Ricardo Marín Ibáñez and CEIP Ana Lluch will have a gradual entry of students.
In Chiva, the four centers: CEIP Doctor Corachán, CEIP Francisco Martínez Culla, CEIP La Murta and IES Marjana will have a gradual entry.
In Alcúdia: CEIP Heretats, gradual entry in the absence of small intervention in the electrical installation; CEIP Les Comes, gradual entry, since the Infant zone, totally concerned, is relocated to the Primary zone; CEIP Battle, progressive entry.
In Massanassa: CEIP Lluís Vives, students transferred to the old teaching school of the University of Valencia; La Marche Ausiàs settles at CEIP Jaume I in Alcàsser; IES Massanassa, progressive entry students.
In Paiporta, all centers will have a progressive entry: CEIP Ausiàs March, CEIP Jaume I, CEIP l’Horta, CEIP Lluís Vives, CEIP Rosa Serrano, IES Andreu Alfaro and IES La Sènia.
In Picanya, all centers (CEIP Baladre, CEIP Ausiàs March and IES Enric Valor) will benefit from a progressive entry, since they are currently used as logistics centers by DANA.
In Sedaví: CEIP Fernando Baixauli Chornet, transfer students to CEIP Miguel Hernández from València; CEIP San Clemente. Resettlement confirmation pending; CEIP Vicente Pla Paredes, transfer students to CEIP Les Arts de València; IES Sedaví, gradual entry of students.
In Utiel: CEIP Canónigo Muñoz, gradual entry; CEIP Enrique Rambal, gradual entry; students from the Utiel Professional Conservatory of Music will be transferred to CEIP Enrique Rambal; IES Alameda. The first and second ESO are transferred to the EOI of the same municipality, the third and fourth to the IES Miguel Ballesteros. The first year of the baccalaureate will go to the CEIP Canónigo Muñoz, the second year will go to the municipal facilities and the professional training students will go to the hotel school.
In Valencia: District of Castellar-Oliveral, Rosa Llàcer CEE, students are transferred to CEE Ruiz Jiménez and Professor Sebastián Burgos CEE in Valencia; District of La Torre, CEIP Padre Manjón. gradual entry; Forn d’Alcedo district, CEIP Forn d’Alcedo, gradual entry.