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HomeBreaking News5 administrators in 6 years, like the previous 12

5 administrators in 6 years, like the previous 12

The second appointment of Mercedes Gonzalez At the head of the Civil Guard, an unprecedented situation in its history opens up at the Army Institute. Since his arrival at the Ministry of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska has appointed five directors in six yearsthe same number of officials as in the previous 12 years.

This is something that has never been seen in Benemérita, at least in a democracy. Nor has it been seen that a director leaves her position two months after her arrival to run on an electoral list and is replaced the following year by the holder of the portfolio.

In the eyes of the commanders consulted by EL ESPAÑOL, the Civil Guard continues to be immersed in a deep crisis from which it has not yet emerged, and that is why some are already speaking of “the worst period since the time of [Luis] Roland. »

Mercedes Gonzalez He had the shortest term in the Corps in Democracy. She did it in 2023. She arrived after the stage of María Gámez, who resigned after her husband, the businessman Juan Carlos Martinezwas involved in a corruption case related to the ERE of Andalusia. González arrived with promises of rigor, transparency and cleanliness.

González assured during his inauguration that he would be inflexible against corruption within the Army Institute, after several members of the high command were implicated in two important corruption cases, the Barracks affair and the Mediator’s case“Nothing and no one, no political strategy and no particular abuse can achieve the immense cleanliness of the Civil Guard,” he said.

Two months later, his priorities were different. He left without having completed his mission to run in the PSOE general elections on the Madrid lists.

A direction called into question

Who came after her, Leonard Marcosand it was not much less promising either. His stage was characterized by constant friction with the leaders and professional associations.

One of the most reported aspects of his management was both his arrogant attitude and the lack of closeness and dialogue with the Civil Guards themselves. “He was not able to respond to our requests,” criticize the sources consulted. Furthermore, his handling of the tragic murder of two civil guards in Barbate, run over by a drug boat last February, left the director, in the eyes of many, “without authority or confidence to lead the institution.”

In the opinion of entities such as the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC), the situation could not be more worrying.”The former Director General was not a valid interlocutor and did not demonstrate his capacity for dialogue with the Civil Guard. to meet their professional, social and economic requirements.”

In the case of Barbate, they believe that he has not assumed his share of responsibility. “Those responsible for these murders remain without trial, which reflects a lack of responsibility of the most serious kind.”

New stage

Mercedes González’s new stage raises more unknowns than certainties about what she will be able to offer to the command of the Civil Guard. “Nothing surprises us anymore,” say sources from the organization’s high command.

The AUGC and entities such as the Spanish Association of Civil Guards (AEGC) believe that during the barely two months he was in office in 2023, there was harmony with González. “Our position is that at the time he was there was a fluid dialogue and it has remained so. We hope that this line will continue and that there will be progress and improvements for the agents, which will not stop them and will promote them quickly.”

Some consider that the period of Leonardo Marcos was, for many reasons, the worst that the Armed Institute has known. The secretary general of JUCIL, Ernesto Vilariño, stressed the urgent need for the new general director to get involved in improving the working conditions of the guards. “We hope
Mercedes González had a much more open attitude than Leonardo Marcos, who was haughty and reluctant to collaborate. Marcos was undoubtedly the worst CEO that this institution had”

No one remembers a moment like this in Benemérita. Concern and unrest have spread within the Civil Guard. Firstly, due to the corruption cases that have affected different members of the leadership in recent years, some of which are still under investigation.

Secondly, because of the insecurity that many agents experience in cases such as the tragedy of Barbate, where two agents were murdered by a drug boat.

Many do not hesitate to say that the Civil Guard is currently experiencing its worst situation since the Luis Roldán scandals, at the beginning of the 90s, they were carrying out “a comprehensive amendment”. five years of controversy at all levels.

The defenestration of the colonels Manuel Sánchez Corbí and Diego Pérez de los Cobos for “lack of trust” (the latter rectified by the Supreme Court). The refusal to promote them to the rank of general. The resignation of the DAO of the Civil Guard Laurentino Ceña in 2020 when he refused to fire De los Cobos. The management of the migration crisis in Melilla last June…

The scandals of the commanders involved in the irregular allocation of Barracks affair. General imprisoned in C plotas well as Mediator. A commander and a second lieutenant detained and investigated in the Koldo case. The accusation of María Gámez’s husband (the director before Mercedes González) in a play derived from ERE and his subsequent resignation…

These are just the most notorious problems that have led Benemérita to the current situation of instability, the worst sequence in its recent history. According to numerous sources consulted by EL ESPAÑOL, Mercedes González, during her two months in office in 2023, died “without pain or glory and without lifting a finger.” They now hope that he can amend this brief and fruitless period.




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