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54% of sexist murders are committed during the holiday months, according to the prosecution

Of the 59 sexist murders within couples committed in 2023, one 54% occurred during “summer and holiday periods”as explained in the prosecution report.

Among the 1,073 sexist crimes recorded since 2006, the month with the most homicides was July, with almost 10%followed by June, December, January and August. These are all months when there are public holidays and vacations.

In 2023, 16.6% more murders of this nature will be committed than in the previous year. The concentration of these femicides in certain months has awakened “the specific concern in institutions and also in society in general.

The prosecution report refers to certain “risk factors” which is analyzed every year, such as winter days, holidays or shorter days, where, in general, more time is spent at home.

In 2023, The first four sexist murders within the couple were committed on January 8that is, the day when “for school and professional reasons, the holiday period usually ends”.

With these data, the report concludes that “in periods when extended social and family relationships occur with greater intensity (holidays, weekends or holidays), more femicides are committed.”

So far this year, 35 women have been murdered due to gender-based violence, according to the Government Delegation against Gender-Based Violence. As of September, repeats that the month with the most homicides corresponds to July, with 8 victimsas, followed by June with the 7th and August with the 5th. Thus, so far this year, we know that 57.1% of sexist murders were committed in the summer.

More than 25%

Another issue addressed in the Prosecutor’s report concerns the percentage of victims who have filed a complaint due to gender-based violence against their partner, 25.4%.

Analyzing the last ten years, the data does not vary much: of the 598 women murdered, 148 had already filed a complaint for gender-based violence, or 24.7%.

The prosecution specifies that these figures are “absolutely disturbing“, for the social concern it has caused and for the “response provided to this criminal phenomenon in the judicial domain”. from the point of view of protection“.

But returning to the 2023 data, it should be noted that of the 15 women who had reported their partners, in two cases no action was taken, there were two provisional dismissals (which implies the temporary suspension of criminal proceedings, normally due to lack of evidence), one verdict of acquittal and, in two cases, precautionary measures were placed in pending proceedings. In eight cases there was a conviction..

Persistent Bullies

The Prosecutor’s report uses the term “persistent bullies” to refer to people who have already filed a complaint of gender-based violence by another previous partner.

Of the 59 femicides, 7 are considered “persistent aggressors,” according to the report. Today, the Prosecutor’s Office also highlights that there are two other cases in which they were reported for domestic violence, another for sexual violence, one was arrested for domestic violence and another was convicted of the crime of injuries. Regarding age, the Prosecutor’s Office specifies that 71% of the aggressors were between 26 and 50 years old.

Of the total number of attackers, 14 committed suicide Two attempted to do so or harmed themselves, and the rest were arrested, including those who attempted suicide.

Influencing factors

It should be noted that 28 of the victims had minor childrenTwo minor children were murdered along with their mother, and three of the women were pregnant at the time of their murder.

What also reveals a notable fact is that in principle, “women who have young children in their care declare more”, according to the prosecutor’s report.

In this section, the document also explains that “shared or own home is not a safe place for victims”, since the 76.2% of sexist murders were committed at home.




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