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HomeLatest News58% of Spaniards declare themselves monarchists, while 36% are republicans.

58% of Spaniards declare themselves monarchists, while 36% are republicans.

In 2024, is Spain monarchist or republican? According to the results of the third part of the GAD3 survey that ABC has been publishing since the weekend, Spain is monarchist. This is what almost six out of ten Spaniards (58 percent) affirm, who consider the current parliamentary monarchy preferable, compared to 36 percent of citizens who opt for the republic. 4 percent are indifferent and two out of a hundred do not know or do not answer. Support for the current monarchy occurs while Spain is only one year away from the fiftieth anniversary of the monarchical restoration, with the proclamation of Don Juan Carlos on November 22, 1975, and the reign of Felipe VI is already in its eleventh year after celebrating its first decade on November 19. In addition, in the last year, the Princess of Asturias has gained enormously in public presence, both for the institutional events in which she has participated and for the public activities in which she has participated, either in the presence of her parents, alone or in the company of her sister, the Infanta Sofia. In this area, it is worth highlighting the visit to the Spanish athletes at the Olympic Games held in Paris during this month of August. If we look at the trend of the last four years, the results on this issue remain very stable. The group of monarchists went from 56% in 2020 to 55% in 2021 and to 58% currently, while the Republicans were 34% four years ago and 37% in 2021. Women, more monarchical. The differentiation according to gender has the particularity that among the In the monarchical majority there are more women and among the republican minority there are more men. Thus, 62 percent of women declare themselves monarchists against 30 percent who prefer the republic. Among men, the difference is reduced: the number of supporters of the republic is 42% and that of monarchists, 54%. In the segmentation by ideology, there are significant differences: most supporters of the current monarchy are citizens of the right and center. on the right (86 percent), while those of the center are 77 percent. On the left and center-left, the republican option wins with 64%, against 32% of supporters of the current model. Related news standard Yes GAD3 Survey The majority of Spaniards believe that the king has strengthened the monarchy Juan Fernández-Miranda The perception that Felipe VI has given a boost to the Crown has increased by 20 points in the last four years. The Crown must make it a priority to increase support on the left and among the youngest. These results join the two previous articles published these days by ABC, which reveal how the majority of Spaniards (54%) consider this as their own. Ten years of the reign of Felipe VI have strengthened the Institution, a fact that has registered a notable increase of 20 points in the last four years. The Queen has also contributed to this same strengthening, as affirmed by 47% of Spaniards. It is also necessary to identify the two areas in which the Royal House must deepen if it wants to increase its quotas of citizen support: the left and the youth. with stability. That is why the event of October 31, when the Princess of Asturias came of age and took the oath before the Spanish Cortes, was so important. The dynastic continuity that this act reflects is nothing other than reliable proof of stability. The value of stability Well, when asked how important the contribution of the monarchy is to the stability of Spain, 19% of Spaniards think it is very important. and 33%, that it is quite important, which makes a total of 52%. On the contrary, 21% consider it unimportant and 26% not important at all (a total of 47%). In the last six years, this issue has remained very present, although in 2021 the majority considered stability to be of little or no importance. The age groups also offer relevant information on support for one form of State or another. Thus, we can conclude that the older one is, the more monarchical and the younger, the more republican: in the 18 to 29 age group, the majority prefers the republic (53%), while among those over 65, they bet on this parliamentary monarchy in 71% of cases. As Spanish citizens age, they are more inclined to value the monarchical form, although there is a more deeply rooted republican sentiment among young people. These data, which are reflected in the GAD3 survey for ABC, have one exception: the princess. Eleanor. The heir to the crown enjoys similar support from both sexes and all age groups. While on average 72% of citizens consider that she will reign, among young people aged 18 to 29 the response rises by one point, to 73%. The same thing happens when asked about the evaluation of the university and military training of the eldest daughter of the kings. The youngest are more supportive.Social networksIn recent months, the Royal House has made an effort to reach out to citizens. A good example is the surprise that Doña Leonor and Infanta Sofía gave their father at the lunch held at the Royal Palace on the tenth anniversary of the proclamation, in which an excited king was seen. There is also the decision to open accounts on Instagram and other social networks to publicize their activities. However, 48% of Spaniards do not think that the Royal House should be more present on social networks and new digital formats, compared to 42% who do. This result is reversed among the youngest, where a majority of 55% believe that there should be more interaction on the networks compared to 45% who believe that there should not be. Data sheet Universe: People over 18 years of age residing in Spain Sample size. : 800 telephone interviews (291 landlines and 509 mobiles) Sampling error: +-3.5% Fieldwork: July 1-12, 2024 Consultant: GAD3There may be a clue to increasing young people’s support for the monarchy option as a form of state in the Spain of 2024, an option that will be fifty years old next year, which has been a guarantee of historical continuity and which has woven a close link with democracy.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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