Friday, September 20, 2024 - 2:25 pm


These days, the ABC of Seville reported that “The Andalusian Government has 700 more trusted civil servants than five years ago. Since the arrival of the Government of Change, 700 more”. It is inevitable to ask yourself when reading it if this was the government of change. It seems difficult to reconcile any idea of ​​austerity and efficiency – this mantra of austerity and efficiency – with 700 additional freely appointed positions, awarded without competition on merit. than in the degraded terminal administration of the PSOE. But also, hey, it is very difficult to understand that it was necessary to add 700 trusted positions to the number that already existed… what a figure MORE NEWS Yes Double. the news of socialist cynicism Yes the Chinese plane, the news with short wings No to the Nile virus… and to Spanish politicsMore than 100, like the 100 of Daoiz and Velarde during the last assault on Monteleón.More than 200, like the 200 Polish soldiers who stopped the Nazi army at the Battle of Westerplatte. No more 300, like the 300 legendary Spartans of Leonidas who stopped thousands of Persians at Thermopylae. No 400, like the 400 that Hernán Cortés led for the impressive conquest of Mexico. No 500, like the 500 Spaniards of the Old Man. Tercio of Sicily who defeated thousands of Turks at Fort St. Elmo in Malta Not even 600, like the 600 at the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimea to whom Tennyson sang in his famous poem on the Charge of the Light Brigade: “half a league, half a league, half a league before them. Through Death Valley the 600 rode… “Not 100, not 200, not 300, 400, 500, even more than the 600… up to 700 additional charges, no less than 700; 30 percent more than in the 2019 change. Yes, there are bigger problems, that it is not illegal, that these are civil servants and not cronies or related brothers-in-law… but all these freely named positions go against what was promised. And beware, there are figures that the devil carries; Numbers that, by themselves, sometimes have more punch than the best arguments.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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