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700 soldiers were present at the Poltava Institute of Communications during the attack – Bezuglaya

Following the attack on the military communications institute in Poltava, the State Investigation Bureau (SBI) has opened a case on possible negligence in military service, said Deputy Chairwoman of the Defence Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Maryana Bezuglaya.

According to him, a meeting of the parliamentary committee on national security, defence and intelligence was held today, at which information was heard about the destruction of the Poltava communications training centre by Russian missiles. All key persons attended, including the head of the centre, representatives of the military administration, the police, the State Emergency Service, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defence and the State Intelligence Office.

“Those present stated (I remind you that these are the words of authorized persons; I am not a witness to the events and I cannot know for sure if they are entirely true) that:

— there were no training sessions or other public events;

– the training process continued and everyone started going down to the shelter as soon as the alarm sounded;

– less than five minutes elapsed between the alarm and the discharge;

— at the same time, there were about 700 (!) servicemen in the training building, so there was a large concentration of personnel;

— when the impact occurred, debris fell on people heading for shelter; all those who reached shelters before the missile attack survived;

— the road to the shelters ran through open terrain (!);

— there were enough shelters for all personnel and routes and algorithm of action during an air attack had been worked out;

– at the training center they used Sich tourniquets to provide assistance, the State Emergency Service could not name the brand of the tourniquet, it was also indicated that applying the tourniquet is not their task, their task is to pull people out from under the rubble and hand them over to medics (however, the tourniquet is usually vitally important during the first 1-2 minutes!);

— The State Bureau of Investigation has opened a criminal case for negligence;

— Regarding all the previous tragedies, when dozens of servicemen died due to defeat by Russian means in places where personnel were gathered (training, training, etc.), not a single leader of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was suspected; Regarding the tragedy at the 128th brigade (training), no one was suspected; Of course, no one was sentenced;

– the Armed Forces of Ukraine still (!) do not have a strategy for relocation, dispersal of educational institutions to other regions of Ukraine, abroad or underground, and we are in the third year of a large-scale invasion; the situation is chaotic and without criteria;

“The air defence situation and the accuracy of the warning are also being studied,” Bezuglaya wrote on his Telegram channel.

He said the rest were specific details that were not intended to be made public.

However, he added that the Sumy and Poltava regions, as well as the Kharkov region, should be very alert to signs of air attacks, “and any crowding of people should be kept to a minimum, since these regions border the Kursk bridgehead.”

“Unfortunately, the military leadership did not take this into account when planning the offensive operation. We have consequences. And this is just one case among other defeats of the last month. No details. 700 soldiers in one building! — summed up the popular deputy.

as it was transmitted EADailyThe official death toll from the Russian missile attack on the military communications school in Poltava on September 3 has risen to 54, the Strana publication reported on September 5, citing the press service of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

“The death toll as a result of the Russian attack on an educational institution in Poltava has risen to 54. Another 297 people were injured,” the statement said.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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