Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - 11:59 pm


The Minister of Sustainable Development and Environment of the Government of Andalusia, Catalina García, affirmed on Tuesday that the demolition of the Algarrobico, in the municipality of Carboneras (Almería), could begin within “six months”. This action, already agreed between the Spanish government and the executive of Juanma Moreno, is awaiting the latest judicial decisions once the Carboneras City Council has sent to the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) “clarifications” on the qualification of the floors where the hotel is located. In an interview with Canal Sur Television reported by Europa Press, the councilor stressed that the demolition, which will be undertaken by the central government while the Office will be responsible for the treatment of waste and the environmental restitution of the land, he expects the “municipal council declaration”. On September 17, the TSJA requested “clarification” from Carboneras City Hall regarding the soil classification of El Algarrobico, where the Azata del Sol Hotel is located, as well as the El Canillar area after providing a new documentation based on the request made last July to prove that the land is listed as “undevelopable”. In a new judgment, consulted by Europa Press, the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of Granada finally examined the request addressed to the Consistory of Coal. were taken care of given that at the beginning he sent him “incomplete” documentation, so that he continued “without properly complying” with his continued requests for which he even warned him to go to the public prosecutor’s office due to possible “disobedience”. “. Thus, after exploring the documents that the City Hall headed by Salvador Hernández (CS) sent him during the month of August as well as the rest of the files initially sent, the reporting magistrate María del Mar Jiménez chose to request some clarification “very “specific”, even if he considers that the requirement is met. Specifically, he is interested in knowing why the ST-2 sector corresponding to El Canillar still appears as “current developable land” in the sub-section. section on uses, densities and overall constructability of the current PGOU, already modified and rectified, in one of the articles of Chapter II of the Carboneras planning Likewise, he does not appreciate that there is. a modification and rectification in relation to the annex to the Urban Planning Standards of the General Urban Planning Plan of Carboneras, referring to the article on the uses of the land in question despite these considerations, and pending Before these clarifications n take place, the High Court of Andalusia has agreed to open a process of allegations so that the other parties to the procedure promoted by the groups Greenpeace, Ecologistas en Acción and Salvemos Mojácar indicate what they consider appropriate regarding respect of the sentence. this requires the PGOU to be amended so that El Algarrobico is listed as “non-developable land” and “specially protected”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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