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HomeLatest News77% of Madrid residents are in favour of low-emission zones

77% of Madrid residents are in favour of low-emission zones

After the uproar and uncertainty caused by the recent court decision to cancel the low-emission zones of Madrid Central and Plaza Elíptica, the debate on the best way to fight pollution in cities and the acceptance of these restrictions by the people of Madrid and the Spanish population in general.

Let us recall that yesterday, Tuesday, the High Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM), following a request from Vox, has cancelled a significant part of the Sustainable Mobility Ordinance approved in 2021, which established traffic restrictions in the Centro neighborhood and Plaza Elíptica for the most polluting cars.

The court considered, among other things, that there is a “clear inadequacy of the economic impact report» measures adopted in the municipal ordinance.

Cancellation of fines

The sentence specifically repeals those parts of the ordinance by which the scope of the low-emission zone is defined (ZBE) throughout the municipality of Madrid; and those that establish the two low-emission special protection zones (ZBEDPE) of the “Central District” and the “Plaza Elíptica”.

After this decision, the debate and uncertainty of whether these areas could be freely accessible and whether sanctions would be lifted They have been the subject of many conversations and consultations.

According to OKDIARIO, Madrid City Hall it will continue to go well for entering the low emission zones despite the TSJM decision.

The delegate for urban planning, environment and mobility of the Madrid City Council, Borja Carabante, assured that will remain in force because the decision is not yet final and that fines imposed “on the basis of case law” will not be cancelled.

Citizen support

Amidst this turmoil, the Alphabet Mobility Forum has once again reiterated that the extent of traffic restrictions in cities with low-emission zones “enjoys broad citizen supportsince 77% of Madrilenians are in favour of this measure.

However, according to the results of the Forum, the BMW Group’s fleet management and corporate mobility company, Only 26% consider it the most effective measure to reduce air pollution in your city.

Its authors state that “it is important to emphasize that within the majority support for this measure, there are important nuances. 24% of citizens are in favor of itmake their support conditional on it not affecting their personal mobility, stressing the importance of accompanying traffic restriction measures with other alternatives that meet the real needs of citizens.

Better on public transport

On the other hand, regarding low-emission zones and the preferences of the people of Madrid regarding the most effective measures to combat air pollution, 64% are committed to promoting assistance for the use of public transportfollowed by investments to expand this network (57%).

Respondents highlighted the demand for a more attractive, accessible and efficient public transport system as a challenge. real alternative to the private vehicle.

73% in favor

Let us recall that the Mobility Forum published last June the results of the national survey in which A large proportion of those consulted were in favour of ZBEsbut almost half did not know what its implementation meant.

Specifically, according to the survey, seven out of ten Spaniards (73%) were in favour of implementing low-emission zones in their city or municipality, but 33% of those surveyed approved of it. provided that this does not affect mobility with your personal vehicle.

Lack of knowledge of ZBE

Paradoxically, research has revealed that Four out of ten Spaniards still do not know what ZBEs are. On the other hand, it was concluded that 38% of respondents believe that their municipality offers enough options for public transport which allow them to move around without difficulty.

The study, carried out from 5,000 interviews online carried out through a panel of Internet users, it was carried out between July 4 and 21, 2023 in almost all the capitals of the autonomous communities (except in the case of Extremadura, where it was carried out in Badajoz), as well as in the metropolitan areas of Madrid and Barcelona.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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