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“The State gives us minors like crates of oranges”

“The patience of the Canarian people, which we have had for more than a year, “this patience (…) must come to an end”said the President of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, who denounced that “the State hands over the minors to us as if they were crates of oranges.”

He defends the legal proceedings against the Government and specifies that he has instructed the judicial services to “analyse it from three aspects, administrative, constitutional and criminal”, since “the State does not respect the protocol” when handing over the minors. “no fingerprints, no photographs, no identification”.

This is what he expressed in an interview with “La Vue Critique” of Telecinco, where he said that “the patience of the Canarians”, after more than a year of waiting, “had to end” at some point.

The President of the Canary Islands denounced “the non-compliance with the circulars of the Public Ministry regarding minors who come, for example, from Mali, who have refugee status and who are neither listened to nor cared for”. The minor “is not even questioned”, which is why he asked to analyze whether there is a failure in the functions of the State and “this leaves it in a state of abandonment or helplessness, because we fear that the State will abandon and abandon these minors.”

Clavijo assured that for the moment “we have not had no answer” of the state and that “no one has contacted us, at least not me.” so “we are waiting.”

The Canary Islands have invested “more than 150 million euros” in caring for unaccompanied migrant minors but have clarified that “yesterday’s decision is not motivated by a lack of economic resources but by the absence of the state in a crisis and a humanitarian drama.

“We have been warning for almost a year that this moment is coming and that resources are absolutely saturated,” and he clarified that what “concerns” him is “how serve with dignity to minors whom we care for alone as an autonomous community” because at present “it is impossible to be able to guarantee their rights”.

The minors “are brought by the State to the Canary Islands” because “they pick them up on the high seas” and although “they will receive immediate“This is no way to take care of a minor.” He defended that “whoever has the guard and guard of this minor is the State, then it will be the State which will have to respond to the situation of the minor”, who “is neither helpless nor abandoned”.

It will be the legal services that will analyze, he said, because “we intervene” but “the State wants this to be the normal situation, and we are not going to be complicit in this situation in which minors do not see their rights guaranteed.”

For her part, the Minister of Social Welfare, Children and Family of the Government of the Canary Islands, Candelaria Delgado, denounced the situation: “It is not possible for the State to “return immigrant children to the autonomous community” with a delivery note like the purchase note.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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