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HomeLatest News1st Sanchist Confederal Congress

1st Sanchist Confederal Congress

At the end of the summer, the weapons are unveiled and the strategy for the new political course is prepared. Feijóo involves the party barons and announces his plan of harassment, recognizing and regretting that it will not be a demolition. Although he has never had so much striking material at his disposal, he resigns himself to the rake of the Sanchista fortress and ends with “you are here to be, not to govern”. As if Sánchez did not know it!

And Sanchez knows it too Feijoo Attacks It’s not the worst thing you have to face. From the top of his ramparts, he doesn’t see the PP so much as an enemy as his eternal opportunity to strengthen himself as a champion against the phachosphere. At present, its real threats lie in the judicial fronts already open and in the cracks that may open inside the citadel. And for these battles, it is preparing its weapons: ensuring control of the judicial power to deactivate any attack before resorting to the Joker by Conde Pumpido organically strengthen his party around a single objective: the consolidation of sanchismo.

Hence the call to the PSOE Federal Congress. Faced with the tumult that was beginning to be felt, it is necessary to intervene firmly: to put an end to whoever falls, with any deviation, by showing only cohesion and uniformity. Sánchez will not stoop to trying to convince anyone, since the concessions made to the partners are intellectually unacceptable, but he will impose as the only and incontestable principle your freedom of action to ensure permanence in power. The message is as simple as its observance is obligatory; its implementation is ensured by the resounding blow of the sword.

It is possible that a naive person will talk about principles, sovereignty or solidarity, or that an uninformed person will ask the Secretary General if it is a question of being in power “only him”, or, in other words, “if he cannot”. be in power. The others must be there. Worse still, this reminds him that, if his small majorities fail him, “he will not be there either and he will have sacrificed all the others”. This courageous questioner will be asked to leave the room, and the others, unconvinced, who will not want to sleep outside, will accept that the principles are modifiable to make them compatible with what the majority demands and what Sánchez needs at all times.

Of course, a majority with communists is not the same as a majority with communists, independentists and pro-ETA, like the one that constitutes the current Frankenstein. In the first case, the bet leads us to apply an aberrant recipe of social and economic policies that can still be considered legal; in the second, we are immersed in a process of democratic degradation that breaks the fundamental freedoms and rights of the legal system and even the essential principles of liberal democracy.

And this is the great and definitive drama that will be played out in Seville this autumn: not only will all the atrocities already committed be blessed, but carte blanche will be given so that those that occur later, whatever they may be, can be converted first into opportunities and then into urgent needs to maintain the regime.

In a spectacular setting, Sanchism will show itself in all its splendor and will take its nature in the woolly and sinister structures of the old PSOE. The wind will blow (forever?) constitutionalist socialism (even democratic?) that has always been weak in its inalienable principles and that has always had allusions to lies, disloyalty and even coups d’état.

But Pedro kept his capricious warning, and as he was applauded at the end of the Congress, he muttered: ‘It is possible that we will actually end the possibility of repeating this majority, which is already very slim. But… well!, we are at the beginning of the legislature; when that happens, something else will come to my mind. I am not here to think about that now; I will think about it tomorrow… and tomorrow will be another day!’
(Opening music and pink fade of his sphinx over an image of the sunset reflecting in the waters of the Guadalquivir.)


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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