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HomeLatest NewsDiseases caused by the tiger mosquito are increasing in Navarre: recommendations

Diseases caused by the tiger mosquito are increasing in Navarre: recommendations

He Institute of Public and Occupational Health of Navarre (ISPLN) assured that the risk of indigenous transmission of diseases caused by tiger mosquito bites is “low”, but influenced “the importance of monitoring and prevention“, since 22 cases of dengue fever have been recorded this year, all linked to travel to endemic countries.

Therefore, since Public health have formulated a series of recommendations to prevent the spread of the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) and prevent the indigenous transmission of diseases transmitted by their bites.

It is an invasive species native to Southeast Asia that, “due to globalization, has spread throughout the world.” It is considered a public health problem because it is capable of transmitting certain viral infections, such as Dengue, Chikungunya or Zika.


ISPLN assures that the current risk in the Foral community is “weak”, but he considers it necessary to “remain vigilant and adopt a series of precautionary measures now that many people are returning from their holidays in areas where these infections are present, because if an imported case occurs in a place where this insect is present established, the risk of contagion increases.

In 2024, the ISPLN 22 cases of Dengue in people who traveled to Latin America and Asia, while in total 2023 there were 13 of them.

This infection, as well as Chikungunya and Zikacan be transmitted if the tiger mosquito bites an infected person and then a healthy person.

This year, three cases of malaria have also been reported in people who travelled to Africaalthough this disease can be transmitted by the bite of another type of mosquito, the Anopheles.

So, taking into account that in different regions of Navarre Evidence consistent with the occasional presence of the tiger mosquito has been detected during the months of warm temperatures, the ISPLN formulates a series of recommendations to avoid the autochthonous transmission of these pathologies.

And, although “for the moment no case of transmission has been detected in Navarre, this situation has already occurred in some countries in the south of Europe, like France and Italyand in some autonomous communities of Spain.”


To avoid health problems related to the tiger mosquito, ISPLN recommends keeping patios, terraces and gardens free of objects and containers that could accumulate irrigation or rainwater, as they constitute possible breeding grounds for these insects.

Similarly, he advises people traveling to a risk area to consult Foreign health preventive measures and take extreme precautions to avoid mosquito bites during the trip and for 15 days after your return.

People suspected of having a disease Dengue, Chikungunya or Zika They should avoid places where mosquitoes are present and take extreme precautions to avoid their bites, until the infection is cured, the fever has subsided and at least ten days have passed since its onset.

Moreover, it is convenient for the population to incorporate habits that prevent mosquito biteswear long-sleeved clothing and long pants in neutral colors, use repellents and avoid perfumes when visiting areas where there is a possible presence of mosquitoes, use air conditioning or mosquito nets on windows and doors and environmental insecticides in homes.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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