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White girls from Hovsan spoke about family secrets: “My daughter-in-law doesn’t leave the house without permission”

A new episode of Baku TV’s “O Otilat” has aired.

In the next edition of the show, residents of Hovsan, Gulshan Zulfugarova and Humay Nazarova, talked about ancient wedding traditions and family relations. Gulshan Zulfugarova said that her daughter’s father-in-law did not agree to continue her education.

“My daughter finished the ninth grade. Her father-in-law told her that I will not let you study. My late brother-in-law’s friend always came to us and gave advice to my daughter. He said: “Daughter, you are going to leave, do not stay at home. Come and learn what you do not know where you move, even if they hit you and curse you, respect your elders.”

She also spoke about how to educate girls:

“My daughter-in-law does not leave the house without permission. When she goes to her brother’s house, she calls her friend and informs her. When we left the house, our mother told us that there are four corners of the house. You can stay in the house even if you are beaten or cursed. She kicked you out of here, go, sit in that corner, she kicked you out of there, come, sit in this corner. Don’t tell the secret of the house. We raise our daughters.”

In the detailed plot:

White girls from Hovsan spoke about family secrets: “My daughter-in-law doesn’t leave the house without permission”

White girls from Hovsan spoke about family secrets: “My daughter-in-law doesn’t leave the house without permission”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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