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HomeBreaking NewsPSOE, PP and CC reached an agreement on migration in August but...

PSOE, PP and CC reached an agreement on migration in August but the government has not completed it with figures

THE ghost meeting to end the most intense migration crisis in recent years took place on August 12.

In a discreet manner, Fernando ClavijoPresident of the Canary Islands, managed to summon the Minister of Territorial Policy, Angel Victor Torresand to the PP spokesman in Congress, Miguel TelladoHe asked them to interrupt their vacation and meet in Madrid to reach an agreement because the “crisis” already constituted a “humanitarian emergency” in the islands.

The meeting was productive and an agreement in principle was reached, according to sources close to the negotiations. A concrete plan was drawn up for allowed the approval of the reform of the immigration lawand the establishment of quotas so that each Autonomous Community must accept transfers in a mandatory manner in the event of “overcrowding” in one or more others.

Everything was abandoned in the absence of a quantified report that the government member was to provide in exchange.

“We never knew about it again”explains one of the sources on the popular side. “We have spoken many times with the government, with Torres, with Sira Rego, responsible for Youth and Children, and even Clavijo has managed to get Pedro Sanchez “I received it on Friday, August 23 in La Palma, but no one answered,” added sources from the island’s Executive.

What was missing? A report from the Minister of Territorial Policy setting out the minimum and maximum number of places which each autonomy should now have to accommodate unaccompanied foreign minors (MENAS). “That was enough and we would have voted on the law now, when summer comes back”, that is to say at the meeting of the permanent deputation last Tuesday, August 27, PP sources conclude.

The same day that Sánchez offered 250,000 jobs to migrants in Mauritania, main issuing country (60%) of cayucos.

cordial meeting

During the meeting, held in a cordial atmosphere according to the three parties, a common plan was drawn up for this distribution of threats which Health centres on the islands and in Ceuta are collapsing.

Currently, there are more than 5,300 of them accumulating in the 88 properties set up by NGOs on the islands, and more than 500 in the Spanish city of North Africa. Around the triple its emergency capacitiesin each case.

The meeting, as EL ESPAÑOL learned from close sources, took place this afternoon at the Government Delegation of the Islands in Madrid. And it went well. Those consulted mention that, since it was a private meeting, More progress has been made than in all previous weeks and a first three-level action plan was drawn up.

First, that the standardized care of centres for migrant minors would fully correspond to the Autonomous communities until reaching 100% capacity. Second, once this 100% is exceeded, the regional governments will continue to manage these operations, but with economic and human resources provided by the State: from housing to education, including health and psychosocial support.

Finally, from 150% overcrowding of the initial capacity, it would be the State which would directly assume this care with its own mechanisms, facilities and resources.


The Minister of Territorial Policy, according to this version, would have promised to share capacity and occupancy data in order to establish quotas. The calculation was to be carried out calmly, taking into account not only the population And economic resources from each region, but the facilities available. But the Canaries and the PP are still waiting.

The official version of the government confirms this. key pointthe advance on the “percentages of ordinary and extraordinary nature”. Precisely, the one that was waiting for the document never sent by the ministry.

Despite this, the Executive insists that this aspect “is already established within the Sectoral Conference on Children, with the current and unanimous agreement“.

Torres assures that “there are more discrepancies” compared to what was collected by this newspaper, but does not specify in whatonly emphasizes that we cannot speak of a prior agreement.

According to sources from Politique Territoriale, “there were more meetings during the month of August (telephone and physical) to continue to advance on the elements of debate”, but there was never “a principle of agreement”The minister’s entourage insists that he remains “with his hand outstretched” and that “I would have liked” there to be this pact.

However, a PP spokesman reaffirms what was said and accuses the government of “don’t move the token” since then, for partisan interests.

And from the Clavijo government, it is claimed that The version given by the government to this newspaper is not correct.“Everything was arranged while waiting for these figures,” laments a spokesman for the island’s president, who went so far as to accuse Torres of seeking “a political conflict” by using migrant minors.

More points of agreement

As this newspaper has learned, agreements have been reached on all other demands of the PP, which “essentially coincide” to the requests of the Governing Council of the Canary Islands.

Torres confirmed that the president Sánchez will convene the Conference of PresidentsIt is assumed that including the migration crisis on the agenda… even if Moncloa has not yet contacted any Autonomous Community, the month of September has already begun.

The minister also accepted the popular demand to declare a “migration emergency” throughout the state.

“The objective,” PP sources explain, “is that the Autonomous Communities can urgently recruit new resources in times like these, without waiting for the resolution of lengthy competitions and calls for tender“According to Canarian sources, “Torres assumed that there were precedents for other emergencies, such as large fires, to which it was possible to respond.”

The last point agreed, again according to the Government of the Canary Islands and the PP, was the commitment of the Government to contribute to the Autonomous Communities. additional funding for the care of these minors.

But not only in this moment of emergency, but “for every year until every boy or girl reaches 18 years of agenot only during the first year of his guardianship, as is currently the case,” specify the sources consulted.

Spokespeople for Moncloa, Genoa and the Government of the Canary Islands confirm the celebration of this ghost meeting -or secret until now- and that inside Progress has been made in bringing the political conflict closer to resolutionSince then, telephone contacts between the three protagonists have continued, in the absence of prior agreement from the central government on the submission of the quantified report.

The last contact between the Government and the opposition took place last saturdaybetween Torres and Tellado, without reaching an agreement.

The executive, however, confirms its “willingness to reach an agreement and negotiate” with the other parties. In addition, they add that “the meetings have been constant […] despite the fact that the PP voted “no” to address a change in immigration law” in Congress.

This proposal, which reached the audience three weeks before the aforementioned meeting, involved the creation of a mandatory mechanism speed up the distribution of unaccompanied migrant minors. It is only on the islands that they are crammed together until 5,300 young people in an irregular situationalthough the Canary Islands government predicts that this figure will increase by 7,000 over the next five months.

Added to this is the lack of understanding between the Clavijo and Sánchez governments regarding injections to face the crisis. A source from the island’s executive sums it up as follows:

“The Council of Ministers announced on Tuesday that it would provide 35 million to all the autonomous communities, but we spend 14 million each month. The other day, Sánchez proposed to the president [Clavijo] the same as in previous years when migratory pressure was lower, 50 million. And he said he had spent 150 this year alone,” he says.

broken agreement

The imbroglio of financing the Autonomous Communities to face the new wave of miners has always been the great obstacle between the government and the opposition. In fact, the first agreement between the two collapsed after the popular autonomies asked the State for more resources to face the collapses of their centers.

The 12 Communities governed by the PP have accepted the distribution of 347 minerals from the Canary Islands and 87 from Ceuta. But the PP refused to vote on the law, given that Torres He did not want to negotiate, which he then accepted on August 12..

“There have been more phone and in-person meetings [con el PP y CC] continue to move forward with elements of debate, but There was no agreement in principle” insist sources from the Ministry of Territorial Policy.

In this regard, in the PP they assure that they continue “waiting” for “data simulation” to establish the figures and the viability of the proposal. “The PP is now proposing other formulas,” the government responds.




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