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HomeBreaking NewsLawyers celebrate the appointment of the first woman to head the CGPJ

Lawyers celebrate the appointment of the first woman to head the CGPJ

It was about time! It is a historic moment, a source of pride for the career… these are some of the first impressions of various lawyers regarding the appointment of Isabelle Perello as President of the Supreme Court and of the General Council of the Judiciary.
Not only will she be the first woman to preside over the High Court, but she will represent consensus in a time of polarization. I hope her example will spread to the rest of the institutions and society.

With a progressive profile, Isabel Perelló was proposed at the last moment by the conservative sector of the CGPJ. obtained 16 votes out of 20. The 10 conservatives and 6 from the progressive wing. As a member of the court that tried the processvote privately against the misappropriation of amnesty funds. On the other hand, he defended the acquittal of the former Andalusian president, José Antonio Griñán, in the ERE case.

The celebration of her appointment is unanimous among the judges of the main associations: Professional Association of the Judiciary, Judicial Association of Francisco de Vitoria and Judges for Democracy, of which Isabel Perelló herself is a member.

Women, a minority in high positions

They all celebrate this recognition of women in the judicial career, which Even though the majority is underrepresented in the highest positions“The judicial career is made up of 5,416 judges and magistrates, of which 3,101 are women, or 57.2%. In Madrid and Catalonia, this percentage is higher,” he explains. Chantal Moll de AlbaDirector of the Chair of Registry Law at the University of Barcelona.

Although he does not know her, various legal professionals tell him that the new president of the Supreme Court is “a very professional judge who acts with technical rigor. On a personal level, she is very kind and accommodating.

“Isabel has had an impeccable career for 40 years,” he said. Clara MartinezChief Magistrate of the Military Chamber of the Supreme Court. “He has enormous capacity and solvency. She is very hardworking and has legal training. He is a cautious and discreet woman. “He has the qualities necessary to build consensus in a divided Council.”

She also celebrates her nomination because, as a woman, “it is very difficult for our work to be recognized. It costs a lot to get there and stay there.

“It’s wonderful,” adds the president of the investigating court No. 3 of the National Court, Marie Tardon-. We already have the first woman president of the CGPJ. This is an indication of equality. In the judicial career, there is formally no discrimination, but “In discretionary appointments, men are usually promoted.”.

Explain that there are several causes. For one, more men tend to apply for these positions. At a certain age, they have more resumes. While the woman has combined her career with the role of parent, she has had time to expand her program and do more. networkingThey also tend to vote among themselves because there is more camaraderie.

The Equality Act was also not applied in many of these appointments, according to which similar CVs would encourage the more under-represented sex.

“I would like the example to spread”

The judge of the Constitutional Court on the proposal of the PSOE, Maria Luisa BalaguerHe also believes that women have been marginalized in the judicial career: “I would like the example to spread. The factual situation does not benefit us, but it is improving. He says that women have a different way of behaving and that their private votes are almost always linked to a gender issue. He congratulates the new president and wishes her good luck.

Maria Jesus del BarcoChief Justice of Madrid and President of the Professional Association of the Judiciary, celebrates the election and that it was carried out with a majority of 16 votes out of 20: “It took a long time to reach an agreement. It is important that members get used to negotiating and reaching agreements.. Isabel Perelló meets the requirements and is independent.

From all regions, his appointment is being celebrated, I tell him. “What a burden you have on you, with so many expectations,” he replies. He has a lot of work ahead of him, in addition to having to obtain many nominations by qualified majority, he will have to make vital decisions for the country and firmness in the face of attacks on judges.

The Minister of Justice, Pilar Llopalso celebrates: “Isabel Perelló is a highly respected judge in the judicial career, with abundant merits, knowledge and experience in the legal world and, more specifically, in the Supreme Court. Today, history has been made with his appointment.

The minister took the opportunity to congratulate the members of the CGPJ for having obtained this agreement: “This is a very important appointment. It shows that Spain is an advanced country that is committed to ensuring that professional women occupy decision-making positions. The legislative power is becoming democratized by settling a debt with us, judges and magistrates. I wish him a successful mandate.

Five years ahead

Monica Garcia YzaguirreMagistrate of the 3rd Section of the Provincial Court of Sta. Cruz de Tenerife, member of the Government Chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Canary Islands and member of the Francisco de Vitoria Judicial Association, is very pleased that a woman of renowned prestige: “A glass ceiling has been broken”.

One of the challenges that the new president of the CGPJ will face, according to Mónica García, is make many appointments after five years of near-standstill. But it is a very difficult and divided Council (10 conservatives and 10 progressives) and appointments must be made by qualified majority.

“Consensus, common sense and dialogue must be normalized in this country. The judicial career is a reflection of society and judges are generally reasonable people,” insists Mónica García. She adds that, in addition, “there is a huge collapse of work, especially in civil matters, because massive litigation has become widespread. It is necessary “fight for professional improvements”.

Marie Tardon This is an example of the burden that judges carry. He is the president of the Central Court of Instruction No. 3 of the National Court, but he is also temporarily replacing Judge Manuel García-Castellón who requested to advance his retirement. He was the president of the Central Court of Instruction No. 6 and was also temporarily the owner of another court. So that María Tardón currently carries on her shoulders the work of three courts.

The magistrate Clara Martinez indicates that the judicial system must be modernized, advance in technological issues and help judges with the work overload, streamlining it and increasing positions: “It is a public service and the third power of the State. “It must be recognized by citizens.”

Cruz Sanchez de Laralawyer and activist, editor-in-chief of Magas and Enclave ODS, and vice-president of EL ESPAÑOL, concludes that “the arrival of Isabel Perelló to the presidency of the General Council of the Judiciary represents Another new step for women in institutions. We still have to reach the highest stage, which is the presidency of the government.




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