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All about the Rafa Mir case and his arrest for alleged sexual assault

Rafa Mir was arrested on Monday by the Civil Guard in Valencia, accused of a alleged crime of sexual assaultThe news was known on Tuesday, September 3, and since then, the news of the case has been happening, waiting for other events regarding what happened with the footballerwho is currently active in the Valence loaned by Seville. Next, we break down everything that is currently known about the Rafa Mir casewith the latest news and all the latest news related to this event.

While waiting for other events, Rafa Mir continues in the dungeon after the detention for an alleged sexual assault, in which there would be two victims, who are the complainants. The events would have occurred in the early hours of Saturday to Sunday, after the match that took place against the Valence and to Villarreal and in which Mir participated as a substitute, playing the last 25 minutes of the match. In addition to the footballer, there is another accused, a friend of the footballer, who is also still in custody. It is expected that on Wednesday, September 4 Rafa Mir go and testify before the judge.

When and where the events occurred

As disclosed from the complaint and the accusation Rafa MirChe’s attacker and his friend met the two plaintiffs in a nightclub in Valenceafter the aforementioned match between his club and Villarreal, in Mestalla Stadium. On the same night of Saturday August 31 to Sunday September 1, the four people involved went to the Mir’s housewhich is located in the city of Bétera, where the alleged sexual assaults by the two orders.

The complaint is filed jointly, although Rafa Mir He allegedly attacked one of the complainants, aged 25, while his friend allegedly did the same to the other woman, aged 21. The alleged sexual assaults occurred in the swimming pool of the footballer’s houseas reported by the TV show And now Sonsoles.

The victims’ complaint

Although there is two victims who denounced Rafa Mir and his companion, he slips that there could be a third person implicated as a victim in this case. The two complainants, aged 25 and 21 respectively, they went to the hospital after the alleged events and subsequently, to Guard Courtwhere the complaint was filed.

Journalist Jorge García Abadía pointed out that the attack took place in the swimming pool of the Rafa Mir and that the Sevilla striker’s friend hit one of the women. Although they filed a complaint, it was a neighbor of Mir who called the police. Local policeafter seeing two half-naked girls walking “disoriented” around the house. “During that crazy night, the Local Police came to the house and calmed the footballer down. They do not speak at any time of sexual assault, They talk about an altercation between a friend of Mir and one of the victims,” ​​Abadía revealed.

Rafa Mir’s version of the alleged sexual assault

For now, Rafa Mir remains detained and in the custody of the Civil Guardeven though journalist Carlos Quílez spoke out after contacting the Valencia striker’s entourage. “He refused to testify. His entourage suggests that there was a party and totally consensual sexual contact,” he explained, in a case about which much remains to be known. It is likely that Mir to testify before judge in the next few hours.

What Valencia says about the Rafa Mir case

Rafa Mir He currently plays for Valencia, where he is on loan from Sevillea team that has its own federal property rights. After the arrest, the Valencia Football Club was pronounced by a official statementin the following terms.

“Regarding the information published in the press regarding the arrest of the Valencia CF player, Rafa Mir“The club is aware of this arrest and, in the absence of details on the subject, it can only affirm for the moment that it will collaborate with everything that justice could demand”, we can read in the note, which underlines the willingness to collaborate with justice by the entity of Che.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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