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HomeBreaking News"He doesn't cooperate and answers with short sentences."

“He doesn’t cooperate and answers with short sentences.”

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A few days ago we learned that on August 26, Juan, the alleged murderer of the Mocejón crime, was transferred from the Ocaña I prison to the Segovia prison, as confirmed to this newspaper by Rafael Paniza, spokesman for the Professional Association of Prison Officials (APFP).

This Wednesday, EL ESPAÑOL – Noticias de Castilla y León was able to discover what the prisoner’s first days were like in the Segovia penitentiary. Prison to which he was transferred on the recommendation of the judge, because it had a psychiatric module and given the allegations psychiatric disorders from which the 20-year-old man suffers.

It was therefore thought that Juan had entered directly into the psychiatric module. However, as prison sources confessed in conversations with Rafael, at that time, He is in the infirmary.

Everything indicates that he has spent every day there since his admission. Days during which the prisoner has shown “correct behavior, in the passivity he demonstrates on a daily basis.”

And the young man “does not cooperate with officials and responds with short sentences to team members.”

Apparently, Juan’s behavior remains the same since his admission to Ocaña prison in Toledo two weeks ago.

What is known about his stay there is that he was also admitted to the nursing module, to which He arrived disoriented, not knowing who he was or where he was, Furthermore, a few days later, the penitentiary institutions decided to activate the suicide prevention protocol, assigning another prisoner the task of monitoring the confessed murderer to prevent him from harming himself.

Crime of Mocejón

It was last Sunday, July 18, when Juan allegedly went to the Mocejón soccer field, where little Mateo, 11, was, to hit him. up to 12 stab wounds while playing with his friends.

A few hours later, the young man confessed to being the perpetrator of the crime, but it was not until four days later that the judge ordered his entry into prison with notice and without bail.

In any case, the investigation remains open and, as far as we know, the work of the Civil Guard is focused on the analysis of the clothes seized from the confessed murderer as well as the knife that they found in the city and which, according to initial hypotheses, could be the murder weapon with which the prisoner took the life of the 11-year-old minor.

In its attempt to raise awareness of the great problem that Spanish prisons have been suffering for a long time, the Professional Association of Prison Officers (APFP) has denounced that only last year, professionals have suffered “more than 500 attacks on prisoners.” Likewise, they said that a large part of these attacks came from “prisoners with some type of pathology, more or less acute, but who knew perfectly well what they were doing.”




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