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HomeBreaking NewsAlmodóvar and euthanasia: how predictable you are, Pedro!

Almodóvar and euthanasia: how predictable you are, Pedro!

Said Pedro Almodovar that his latest film is “the answer to the hate speech we hear every day in Spain.”

The words of the philologist come to mind Victor Klemperer in his book LTI. The language of the Third Reich: “On very rare occasions, I believe in heroism when it is presented loud and clear to public opinion.”

The Spanish director’s new feature is (among other things, I imagine) a plea for euthanasia. Almodóvar looks a bit like a martyr to the culture of death after receiving his seventeen minutes of applause at the Venice Film Festival while calling for assisted suicide worldwide.

Our Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasunpraised the director for “a moving film about the value of friendship, caring and the inalienable right to a dignified death.”

Oh, the famous “death with dignity”. I already said Simone Weil that where there is a serious error of vocabulary, it is difficult for there not to be a serious error of thought.

You can sympathize, understand and pity a protagonist who thinks, as he said during the film’s promotion, that “cancer won’t get me if I get there first.” I have no doubt that the plot in which Julianne Moore And Tilda Swinton It will be moving and God forbid that we make cinema a catechism.

But may it also free us from being transformed into propaganda. And in propaganda serving the idea that The only thing the state owes to the sick is the possibility of euthanasia..

Behind this discourse of good-natured empathy towards death and suffering lies an obsession with devitalizing the value of fragile life. There is a refusal to look directly at the reality of death because it combats the postmodern postulate par excellence: that we are masters of our destiny and that the course of life obeys our desires.

Tilda Swinton, Pedro Almodóvar and Julianne Moore, in Venice.

When they talk about the right to a dignified death, they say that the only life that should be lived is one that meets the criteria of modern autonomy and productivity and is not affected by dependency. When they talk about the urgency of euthanasia in a world that has not yet wanted to develop palliative care, they transform science into a simple factory: “If you can’t repair the product until it regains all its performance, throw it away.”

Cancer patients should know that however long the ovation for Almodóvar in Venice lasted, They also deserve another film about their experience..

Almodóvar also called for the reception of migrant minors and spoke out against climate change denial. Too many just causes must be fought these postmodern heroes who unify climate change, abortion, euthanasia and animalism in their agenda.

It is easy to understand that with so many open fronts, we get lost and end up betting on death as a solution to human suffering. while he puts his hands on his head because we are not achieving the sustainable development goals.




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