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The Valencian plan that the government rejects solves the underfinancing of 4 autonomies in 4 years

He leveling backgrounda Valencian plan from the commission of experts of the Cortes of Autonomy, addresses underfunding that this Community suffers, Andalusia, Castilla la Mancha and the Region of Murcia in just four years. In addition, it plans to incorporate during the second of these years Catalonia, Madrid and Galicia to fill in the gaps. And also add to Aragonduring the third of these years, for the same reason. This four-year period, which extends from 2024 to 2027, is the estimate for the Government and the autonomies to reach an agreement that implies a fair reform of the political system. regional fundingThe temporary levelling fund is also part of the response that the vast majority of the Communities support, unlike the government and Catalonia, in the face of single financing for this last territory.

He temporary leveling fund proposed by the Valencian Government and which is essential to end the underfinancing of the four aforementioned Communities, was rejected by the Minister of Finance María Jesús Montero in the Fiscal Policy Council where, among others, the Valencian Community, came to force its debate during the question and answer session, since the executive of Pedro Sánchez did not include it on the agenda.

In fact, his main obstacle is that the socialists do not want to hear about him. Moreover, The PSOE voted against the government’s request for this levelling fund for underfunded communities in the Senate on July 17. Unlike the socialists, the PP and Compromís supported this initiative.

THE Valencian Community It currently has a debt of 58 billion euros. Of these, as published by OKDIARIO, a total of 43,000 come from the underfinancing to which this territory has been subjected by the Spanish government for years. In short, Valencians contribute more to the state coffers than they receive.

This July 15, the Valencian Minister of Finance Ruth Merino He devoted his intervention during the question and answer session of this council to explaining what the equalization fund is. And he did so through requests and questions, because there was no item on the agenda that could allow for debate.

In summary, what Ruth Merino defended then and what the government of Carlos Mazón demands day after day is a temporary leveling fund for underfunded autonomies as they face a crisis. reform of the current regional financing model This is not only beneficial for Catalonia, but for each of the autonomies.

The temporary equalization fund is not the result of a political decision, but rather the work of a expert commissionwho analyzed the situation in detail and published a report with their conclusions. OKDIARIO had access to this report. It includes 22 pages.

Levelling Fund for the Valencian Community

The total cost of the equalization fund would be 3.237 million euros. Among them, the Valencian Community It would receive a total of 1.183 million in its first year of application. In this way, its financing would go from 91.8% of the average to 96.4%. That is to say, it would be only 3 points and 6 tenths away from balancing its financing with the average of the rest of the Communities.

If this measure were applied for a period of 4 years, the cost of the equalization fund That would be 6.1 billion euros. That is much less than what experts say would cost the Spanish people to transfer 100% of taxes to Catalonia.

Of these 6.1 billion euros, the Valencian Community would receive 1.782 million on average each year until 2027. And, that year, its financing would be balanced with the average of the rest of the Communities. To be exact, 99%.


In the case of AndalusiaThis Community starts from a level of financing of 94.2% of the average. In the first year, it would receive 1.405 million euros from this equalization fund.

In the second, 2.185 million. The third year, 2.577 million euros. And the fourth year, another 2.903 million. These figures show an average figure of 2.268 million per year. between 2024 and 2027.

Castile-La Mancha and Region of Murcia

Castile La Mancha It would receive 274 million from this transitional equalization fund in 2024. In 2025, it would receive 424 million. In 2025, it would also receive an additional 521 million. And, in 2027, 605 million more. That is an annual average of 456 million euros more than today.

Finally, the Region of Murciawhich is based on figures similar to those of the other least well-funded Community, the Valencian Community, would receive a total of 375 million euros in 2024. In 2025, it would receive 582 million euros. In 2026, a total of 662 million. And, in 2027, an additional 721 million euros.

Second year: Madrid, Catalonia and Galicia

In fact, in order to avoid new discrimination against other Communities while these four Communities are in balance, the Valencian plan provides for the entry, from the second year of validity, of three Communities: Madrid, Galicia and Catalonia.

More specifically, the leveling fund for Catalonia This would be 163 million in 2025, an additional 561 million in 2026 and, finally, 859 million euros more in 2027. Figures which represent an average over these three years of 396 million euros.

In the case of the Community of MadridThe temporary levelling fund would also begin to be applied from 2025, as for Catalonia. That year, 312 million euros would correspond to this fund. In 2026, it would receive 667 million euros. And, in 2027, another 924 million euros.

Finally, Galicia would receive 18 million euros from the equalization fund in 2025; an additional 143 million in 2026 and, in 2027, a total of 257 million euros.

The third year of validity of the fund (2026) would also enter into the Community of Aragonwith a contribution to the levelling fund of 39 million. In 2027, this amount would rise to 95 million euros.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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