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Alarm following an attack on dozens of trees in San Sebastián de los Reyes

San Sebastián de los Reyes appeared with dozens of trees without the lower part of their bark torn off, a fact that caught the attention of many residents of the city of Madrid who were puzzled by this.”arboricide»as a neighbor describes on his social networks.

The neighbor in question comments with astonishment and indignation on the striking appearance of dozens of banana trees (Hispanic plane tree) commenting “I am in the park of Avenida de los Pirineos in Saint Sebastian of the Kings and this is the panorama that I have just found.

Debarked trees

In the video you can see an entire row of trees stripped of their bark in an action that seems mechanicalall cut at practically the same height and with the same dimensions, leaving the trunks completely bare.

The mysterious appearance of this bark It is not limited to this species of treeothers are also affected, without knowing who or what caused it arboricideThe City Hall, a political party and neighbors contradict each other on the cause of this mysterious event.

Some scoundrel or criminal has had nothing better to do in recent days or weeks to peel the bark of many trees, which are already old, these trunks measure between 30 and 40 centimeters in diameter,” continues Luis Merino, the author of the discovery.

Dozens of trees affected

The news comes after the publication of this video and the collection of facts by the independent left-wing political party, described as “environmental attack“, adding that he denounces that “dozens of trees have been attacked and stripped of their bark on Avda Pirineos, which will lead to the death of many of them.”

On his social networks, Luis continues to say, focusing on one specimen, that it is “one of many that can be found, These trees have only one thing left: to die slowly.There is no possible solution. “Trees have been there for years and a villainous criminal has dedicated himself to killing them slowly. There are not one or two, there are dozens in the park.”

Trees without bark (Photos and videos: Luis Merino)

Arboricide or animal attack

The neighbor and the political formation They are demanding that the city council implement measures find the person responsible for “this” arboricidebecause most of these trees will die.

As local training experts confirm, “only with quick and conscientious work, Perhaps some peeled specimens can be preserved.“To do this, “the affected area should be covered with some kind of coating with a healing product or protection that helps its regeneration.”

They claim that “It will take time and work and many will surely die.because the whole perimeter around the trunk is affected, but it is clear that we must try.”

Rabbit infestation alarm

According to municipal sources, it is suggested that this stripping of trees could be caused by rabbits gnawing on treesleaving them deprived of their natural protection.

Sources from the San Sebastián de los Reyes city hall told OKGREEN that regrets the alarm generated by an alleged “environmental attack” to the trees.

They assure that “there are a little over 30 trees whose bark (about 10 centimeters) was torn off near the base due to the bite of wild rabbits on Pirineos Avenue.

Unfounded accusations

They add that “the accusations of misdemeanor are therefore totally unfounded” and that “the municipality has also Various processes have been implemented to try to control this type of animal presence. and protect the trees at the same time.

In the video you can also see how, in the background, other specimens of younger trees They appear with a mesh on their trunk to increase their protection..


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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