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Body defends Escrivá’s election as governor of the Bank of Spain: “He is the ideal candidate”

“Sufficient technical capacity, European experience and banking and monetary knowledge.” The Minister of Economy, Carlos Body, thus launched the official defense of the candidacy of Minister José Luis Escriva for the post of Governor of the Bank of Spain. “He has held positions of maximum responsibility in each of the Bank of Spain’s areas of action,” he stressed. “He is the ideal candidate.”

The Minister of Economy confirmed this Wednesday the election of Escrivá as the new governor of the Bank of Spain to the sectoral commission of the Congress of Deputies. This announcement marks the beginning of the official process of appointing the replacement for Pablo Hernández de Cos, a decision of the President of the Government that will be published in the BOE before the investiture before the King.

“The new governor will be able to attend the next meeting of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB), which will take place next Thursday, September 12,” said Body, who, at the beginning of his appearance, focused on Escrivá’s curriculum vitae to support his appointment. Starting with the time when Escrivá was president of the Fiscal Authority (AIReF), from its creation in 2014 until 2020. During these years, it has been seen that he has been able to transfer his previous experience at the Bank of Spain to the new institution.

The body also reflected on his role at the ECB. Finally, he highlighted the importance of his move to the Ministry of Digital Transformation, given that it is one of the ongoing transitions.

Previously, the Minister of Economy had explained that these demands were important in the current situation, in which the Bank of Spain and the ECB are facing great challenges. “The countries of the eurozone are having great debates. The first, to define the course of monetary policy, with the challenge of promoting the moderation of prices within the framework of a “soft” landing of the economy, that is, without causing a crisis, in the jargon of monetary policy.

“Other debates are integrated, such as the integration of the green transition into monetary policy or the development of the digital euro,” he added. “At the national level, the challenges are to preserve financial stability.” Furthermore, “it must continue to exercise banking supervision. These tasks with other work: the production of statistics, analyses and economic proposals,” he continued.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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