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New summer products you may have missed

During the summer period, several measures affecting savers and property owners came into force. Others have been recorded for the coming weeks or months.

The popular savings account is worse paid

If the remuneration rate of Livret A has not changed on day 1Ahem In August – the government froze it at 3% until the end of January 2025 – the Popular Savings Account (LEP) rate went from 5% to 4%. These returns are net, because the two savings accounts are exempt from income tax and social security contributions.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Brochure Rates: What Changed on August 1

The LEP is accessible subject to a means test. A couple with two children (three tax quotas), for example, can open one if their reference taxable income does not exceed 46,367 euros.

Renovation, caregivers, electric cars and bicycles: new reasons to unlock your PEE

Money deposited in a company savings plan (PEE) is, in theory, blocked for five years. However, certain life events entitle employees to use it earlier: marriage or civil solidarity agreement (PACS), death of a spouse, termination of an employment contract, purchase of a home, etc. By decree that came into force on 7 July, the list of cases was extended.

It is now possible to fully or partially release your PEE to finance energy renovation works on your habitual residence (insulation, installation of heating equipment with renewable energy, etc.), for the purchase of a so-called “own vehicle”. (including new or used electric cars and new electric bicycles), and to cope with a caregiver situation.

Explanations | Article reserved for our subscribers. Employee savings become easier to unlock, for energy renovation or the purchase of an electric bike

In practice, however, many financial institutions managing these PEEs are waiting for the Ministry of Labour to publish the precise terms of the measure in order to release the funds.

The “Macron bonus” is once again “tax-exempt”

Until the end of 2023, the Shared Value Bond (PPV), nicknamed the “Macron bond”, was generally not subject to income tax. If this exemption had been eliminated on 1Ahem January, except for employees of companies with less than fifty employees who earn less than three minimum wages, re-emerged this summer by a decree of June 29.

In fact, the latter has authorized employees, since 1Ahem July, to deposit their PPV into an employee savings plan – whether business savings plans (PEE) or collective retirement savings plans –, as was already the case with profit-sharing, shares, etc. The sums thus invested are exempt from income tax, up to the limit, depending on the situation, of €3,000 or €6,000.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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