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HomeLatest NewsRepeat offender arrested in Tomelloso for attempting to kill man in drug...

Repeat offender arrested in Tomelloso for attempting to kill man in drug deal

The victim’s main vein was severed, causing injuries near the heart.

Another hoe attack was attributed to a victim who caused injuries and damage to his vehicle.

Main entrance of Tomelloso Hospital ABC


Updated at 5:19 p.m.

A drug problem was behind a violent attack that occurred in Tomelloso (Ciudad Real) and that the Civil Guard clarified with the arrest of the alleged perpetrator of an attempted homicide crime.

On Sunday, August 18, a man reported having an argument with another man, who attacked him with a knife in this municipality of La Mancha. On Campo Street, one of the main streets, caused serious chest injuries when a major vein was selected and injuries near the heart, in addition to other minor ones in a thigh. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital in this city of about 36,000 inhabitants.

Nine days later, a 27-year-old Moroccan was arrested while selling drugs. During the search, Civil Guard officers found several doses of cocaine for sale, as well as cash.

Once identified, it was learned that he had acted on the public highway with great violence and that he had not hesitated to use force and knives to achieve his ends. It was also confirmed that he was the alleged perpetrator of another crime of injuries during an attack. The victim, who needed stitches, was hit with a hoe and also caused damage to his vehicle. In addition, the arrested person had an arrest warrant for a history related to gender violence.

He was placed at the disposal of the Instruction Court number 3 of this city of La Mancha, but his procedural situation has not been revealed.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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