Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 3:08 am
HomeTop StoriesScientists warn of dozens of 'high-risk' viruses in China's fur farms

Scientists warn of dozens of ‘high-risk’ viruses in China’s fur farms

China’s fur farms, where mink and foxes are raised to sell their fur to the textile industry, could be the source of a new pandemic. A team of international scientists warns of the presence of more than 100 viruses in these centers. Nearly half of them represent a high risk of contagion for humans.

Overcrowded, in appalling sanitary conditions and with one goal: to serve the fashion industryThis is the cruelty that many animals are subjected to in China, but a study has just detected a high risk of potential diseases for humans in these Chinese fur farms.

After analyzing hundreds of specimens of raccoons, minks and foxes raised to trade their skins, they discovered, at least, 125 types of viruses36 of them, still unknown.

They have also been detected seven types of coronavirus. In fact, in recent years, mass culls of mink have had to be carried out in Denmark and even in Spain.

The study recalls that the transmission of Covid, which paralyzed the entire world and killed thousands of people, came from the animal trade in China.




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