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HomeLatest NewsPradales, yours is a joke, right?

Pradales, yours is a joke, right?

I have before me two pamphlets which, at least in my opinion, deserve the definition of incunabula. One, without a known author, is published at the beginning of the 20th century, It cost five pesetas at the time because it was carefully written and had this suggestive title: The perfect man. In a few lines I will transcribe three of his pearls truly worthy of being cultivated. The other is more recent, it is a free copy of the Editorial of historical memory, and it was published – as the booklet specifies – on the occasion of the celebration of the The “golden wedding anniversary” (sic) of Basque nationalism (1882-1932). I take the liberty of gathering together a few samples of these anthological pieces because they seem, this last one more than the other of course, a foretaste of what is called Ethical Decalogue which was presented a few days ago in the Basque Country by the recent lehendakari, Pradales Gil. In short, it is an invitation to good manners, coexistence and education that we all received (also in Soria) from our grandmothers. The initial pearl of the first copy specifies: “Man needs the cultivate self-denial and sacrifices for higher interests. He then adds: “For societies to live, each of their members must be ready to die” (no less) and a final: “Tolerance, understanding and patience must become the fundamental values. motto of our lives”. I leave it here.

Let’s start with the second booklet mentioned above, which is entitled: “From his soul and his pen” and which is a collection of thoughts from the so-called master of Basque nationalism: Sabino Arana Goiri. A very current entry contribution: “Catalan fueros, fueros… Aragonese don’t understand this word Fires the same thing as when we say: Basque-Navarrean Fueros (sic) ours are laws created and legitimized by the one who enjoys them, with free and sovereign power. Contribution now to the disdain and detachment with which the vile metal, silver, must be treated: “Gold is essentially peaceful and calm; and thickens the stomach at the expense of the heart. And I conclude: “I am only what I am before God, and I do not want men to judge me, but as God judges me.” Do you remember that totalitarian slogan: “No one will judge me more than God and History.” Well, here is a clone.

I could add more examples. Hundreds. Let us stick to these, which in a way seem to be the preface to the ccode of ethics of Pradales Gil. This proposal is full of euphonious words and solemn resolutions, for example these: “No to demagogy, no to tension, no to insults, exemplarity, immense respect for those who do not coincide…”, in short. At first glance, it looks like a more or less secular imitation of Path of Writing by Balaguer (born Escriba y Albas as discovered Luis Carandell). He wrote it, it seems, in the solitude of the Presidency, Pradales Gil trying to put all the Basque parties in the running, excluding of course Vox, which is not worthy of civic and political re-education, give up bad habits who populate – says Pradales – the activity “of the State” and agree on a mutual treatment and a coexistence which, according to the neo-lehendakari, These are Basque products rather than cocochas. Of all life. “We,” Pradales proclaims, “are not like that.” This last statement is directly extracted from the dialectical assurances of Sabino Arana, one of which reads: “We must move away from the make maketos in all areas of life.

Well, Pradales’ catechism was enthusiastically received by the leaders of his party, the PNV, so much so that its president, the fat Andoni Ortuzar has already launched the disqualification of all those, who left in the first place, who allow themselves the audacity not to pay attention to the tender insults of the Pradales Gil. Ortúzar specifically referred to the Basque People’s Party who immediately refused to participate in this funfair, in an agreement on a mandatory decalogue which does not address, even marginally, the major problem which has been ravaging the Basque Country for fifty years: ETA Terrorism. I am sending you below the justification that Pradales offered for this absence: “It is that terrorism is an earlier and superior ethical principle.” And great European expresses, this columnist would add jokingly, if we were not faced with a tragedy that has murdered 857 people. The term “precedent and superior” is indeed not understood, even if, as the general already quoted above added: “… or it is too well understood.” Bildu, the coalition of unrepentant pro-etarrasis the first political party that happily joined in Pradales’ homily. They took it as their thing, they should!

You don’t have to establish too many paragons, but talk to Bildu, the the shelter of the Aizpurúa Butchery, of tolerance, good manners or exemplarity, is tantamount to asking Sánchez to stop lying. Incompatible in their very essence. Pradales, who already combs his hair like Sánchez himself, or ruffles his hair like Bolaños, which is a little worse, expels Vox from his projects and curiously opens his arms to the heirs of the most abject criminals of the gang. And this is the guy who asks for good humor? Since you have been in Ajuria Enera, have you asked Bildu to, finally, condemn the crimes of your ancestors and pay them materially, since it is money? Hence the question: Pradales, This is a joke, right?and as such, it can pass but, as an ethical offer, in no case. Courses, not one. It seems that the mess that this official who now presides over the government of Vitoria has given birth to was concocted for one purpose only: so that the Popular Party refuses to sign it or to appear in the corresponding photo and so on accuse Feijóo of being the same as Vox. But for the rest: who did Abascal kill?

So what are we talking about? We can already see that with this Pradales he is not even going to collect an inheritance, much less celebrate an apparently good-natured decalogue, which takes us back to the time of his boss Arana, the servant of God – that is how he defined himself – who asked expel the tyrants make maketos towards the outer darkness. Read his last pearl: “Many are the Basque who don’t know Basque. It’s bad. There are several make maketos that they know it. It’s worse. It seems written for Imanol, born Manuel, Pradales Gil.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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