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HomeLatest NewsAlejandro Chicarro and Villaseca, the history of triumph repeats itself

Alejandro Chicarro and Villaseca, the history of triumph repeats itself

The saying goes that “He is a count because he hides”, and this is what served as the script for the first “Golden Potter” by Villaseca de la Sagra. On paper, the most avant-garde poster of the series with a bullfight by the Count of Mayalde who “hid” in his behavior until the last bull of the afternoon. “Fortunito II” was the relief of a bullfight that simply lacked more things than virtues. A fine example of the Toledo currency that was cherished by Alejandro Chicharro during an intense work. The rest of the afternoon, there will be a certain sweetness and a superb performance by Juan Carlos Rey, Ruiz Bonilla and ‘Tito’ on the Chicarro bulls.

Alejandro Chicharro once again summoned the epic to Villaseca de la Sagra to build a magnificent work before the sixth copy of the afternoon, which he already received graciously with the cape in an impeccable welcome. The importance of having a good team was reflected in the ranks of the Madrid team, where the figures of Juan Carlos Rey, Ruiz Bonilla and “Tito” stood out to achieve the miracle of an effective fight. The result was that “Fortunito II” arrived with great qualities to the powerful and sure crutch of Chicharro, who, without thinking, got down on his knees to write the prologue of a sensational work. From there, the rounds continued through the two pitons with increasing intensity, always in favor of the bull and bullfighting with great insistence. The end was also intense. Bernadines and a big push were enough arguments to cut off two of his big ears and repeat history a year later.

With the third, it was quite the opposite. If the sixth was excellent, it did not gather what was necessary to build the works. The bull did not last more than two points, lying down and having to be stabbed without being stabbed.

Nek Romero was one of the victims of the bad game of Mayalde’s team. Optimism and the idea of ​​a ready-made bullfighter were not enough to definitively impose himself against two specimens with very few options. The truth is that, overall, he gave two very solid performances based on moderate and very serious bullfighting, always giving ease to the bulls and looking for a placement. The sword played tricks on him, spoiling the result of a dignified afternoon in which he was applauded after killing the fifth.

La Rioja native Fabio Jiménez passed through Villaseca without pain or glory after shining last year naturally with Cebada Gago. Without success in the draw, he crashed against the worst lot of the Mayalde bullfight. He accused the coldness of opening a place in a first task with meritorious muletazos but without echo in the lines. With the fourth, it was more conviction than possibilities, trying to erase the attack of an animal that said nothing. The effort was diluted in two silences.

Bullring of Villaseca de la Sagra (Toledo), Three quarters of the place – Conde de Mayalde steers, very well presented and uneven in the game, highlighting the sixth that was rewarded with his return to the ring, for:

Fabio Jimenez (navy blue and gold): silence and silence.

Nek Romero (Bottle green and gold): silence and applause.

Alexandre Chicarro (navy blue and gold): palms and two ears


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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