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HomeLatest NewsDevastating 17-meter tsunami hits due to landslide

Devastating 17-meter tsunami hits due to landslide

a tsunami with 17 meter waves this happened this August due to a landslide. An element with which we must become familiar, since we are facing a problem that could end up becoming a reality. Without a doubt, we live in times where we are facing a series of details that go hand in hand and that can end up generating bigger problems. The prospective on these phenomena is essential to be able to obtain what we need in the current times.

Without a doubt, we are facing a series of very dangerous elements, potentially endangering certain territories that have ended up becoming a new reality. It is time to become aware of a sky and an earth that can cause important developments that we must take into account and that, in the long term, will end up becoming a more serious problem. It is time to see what awaits us with the help of the experts of El Tiempo who detail each of these events in an exceptional way. This unusual phenomenon is to be looked at with a magnifying glass to understand it a little more and see if it can happen again.

This devastating tsunami hits this part of the world

Experts in the art of analyzing the EarthBy knowing each phenomenon that occurs there, they have found certain essential elements to be able to analyze what is happening and how to deal with it. This phenomenon that has become a harsh reality has therefore become something exceptional.

The movements that occur on Earth are those that can end up causing a series of elements that go hand in hand and that can end up generating those elements that are essential to this daily life that we have before us and that can end up generating an alert.

An earthquake can turn into a tsunami with terrible speed, as we saw in the disaster in Japan in March 2011, the effects of this phenomenon can be terrible. You will have to pay close attention to these details, which will end up making a significant difference.

This tsunami has put some professionals on alert who do not hesitate to explain what happened and the consequences generated by this almost unpredictable element, but for which we must be prepared.

This is the devastating tsunami 17 meters high

The experts of El Tiempo explain to us what has happened in recent days with the arrival of a series of elements that have marked a before and after. A terrible tsunami of 17 meters high has endangered this part of the planet, showing the risk that an earthquake of this magnitude could occur.

As these experts from El Tiempo tell us: “The series of events began to unfold early on August 7, 2024. on a slope on the northwest side of Upper Pedersen Lagoon, 20 miles (32 km) southwest of Seward, Alaska. Debris from the landslide traveled along the Pedersen Glacier before crashing into the water. Preliminary estimates from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) indicate that the landslide moved about 2 million cubic yards (2.0 million cubic meters) of rock and debris.

Continuing with the same prediction: “According to the National Park Service, when the debris slid into the lagoon, a tsunami about 55 feet (17 meters) high was generated. Some of the displaced water collided with the hillsides on the east side of the lagoon and some of it moved across the land between the upper and lower lagoons before dissipating on the east shore of the lower lagoon. In the sequence above, two images are compared, one acquired on August 20, 2024 by OLI-2 (Operational Land Imager-2) on the Landsat 9 satellite, showing the aftermath of the landslide and tsunami with another earlier image of the same area. The wave damaged trees and flattened vegetation between the upper and lower parts of Pedersen Lagoon. According to local reports, it also damaged the boardwalk of a lodge on the east side of the lower lagoon. The photograph below, provided by the United States Geological Survey, shows part of the landslide source area near Pedersen Glacier.

It can also affect a critical element: “Glaciers can affect the stability of steep terrain, such as the cliffs that line glacier-carved fjords in southern Alaska. As glaciers retreat, slopes become vulnerable to landslides. Pedersen Glacier is one of three lake-terminating glaciers in Kenai Fjords National Park that have experienced significant retreat in the past 40 years. “By analyzing Landsat imagery from 1984 to 2021, the researchers found that Pedersen Glacier retreated 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) during that time.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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