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“You cannot govern against the majority”

Carles Puigdemont, former president of the Catalan Generalitat, has once again warned the current president, Salvador Illathat with its 42 deputies, “A government cannot claim to speak in the name of Catalonia and even less to govern against the majority of the population.

Puigdemont said this Wednesday in a telematic speech he gave at an event of the Consell de la República (CdRep) in Borders (Girona), in which seven new municipalities have joined the CdRep institutional consumption campaign: Cervià de Ter, Sant Jordi Desvalls, Albons, Jafre, Verges, Viladamat i Saus, Camallera and Llampaies (Girona).

“There is a government that is openly and militantly hostile to the independence of Catalonia, and that is going to harass us a lot,” he warned, while assuring that the attacks, literally, coming from outside, will intensify.

Likewise, Puigdemont affirmed that the independence movement must maintain “more than ever some of the main pillars” that have allowed it to advance, among which, according to him, is the referendum of October 1.

He classified it as a reference for the future and a founding element for those who are “tempted to leave it in a museum.”

On the other hand, the spokesman of Junts in the Senate, Eduardo Pujolquestioned the single financing agreement for Catalonia and demanded from Vice-President María Jesús Montero a real “economic agreement”, and not a “make-up”, warning that if the socialists do not respect what was agreed with the project of Carles Puigdemont people in Brussels, “game over” and end of the legislature.

During the plenary session of the Senate on regional financing, Pujol defined the intervention of the first vice-president of the government as a “concert of violins to try to get out of the mess” created in Spain with the fiscal agreement of the PSC and ERC, both in the PP and within the PSOE.

“Instead of proclaiming that the plundering of the State in Catalonia is not sustainable and that it must end, you fall into the yenka: no economic concert, but yes, a little yes, too many no, ultimately too many no,” he said. summary.

That is why he asked Montero to clarify once and for all whether what has been signed is a real economic agreement for Catalonia, which implies the exit of this community from the common regional financing regime, something that Junts could accept, or whether it is actually a “smoke” and another “great deception”.

The pro-independence senator insisted that his party does not accept “coffee for all” or “kalimotxo for all”, although it may seem milder, and he limited the options: “Either a concert or a concert”, he stressed.

After demanding the publication of the budget balances and estimating at “210 billion euros” the money that “leaves Catalonia and does not return in 10 years”, Pujol threatened the key role of his group in Congress – “Seven is a magic number”, in reference to the seven deputies of the Junts -, and stressed that without his formation, the coalition government “will not get out of it”.

“We are not going to buy them a lousy and very light concert, because then we would be where we are, as usual,” he warned. Beware of traps and special effects, neither at Junts nor at Catalonia are things ready for too many games. There is an agreement, the Brussels agreement, and it must be respected. And if they kill it, it’s over.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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