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HomeBreaking NewsJapanese businessman Daysuke Hori learned to sleep half an hour a day

Japanese businessman Daysuke Hori learned to sleep half an hour a day

The Japanese businessman said he learned to sleep half an hour a day. The South China Morning Post reports on this.

In 2012, 40-year-old Daisuke Hori from Hego Prefecture decided to change his daily routine, and if we are to believe him, he hasn’t slept more than 30 minutes a day since. He claims he has trained his body and brain to function normally with minimal sleep, which has significantly increased his productivity.

“If you exercise or drink coffee an hour before eating, you can overcome insomnia,” says Hori. According to him, good concentration does not require long sleep, but high-quality sleep. He recommends short naps primarily for doctors, firefighters and other professions that require quick reactions and clear thinking.

To verify Hori’s claims, the team from the Japanese television channel Yomiuri “Are You Coming With Me?” observed him on the reality show. Hori actually slept for only 26 minutes, woke up, had breakfast, and then went to work and the gym.

In 2016, Hori founded the Japan Short Sleep Training Association. In total, he taught more than 2,100 students how to sleep less but better.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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