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Sánchez names Óscar López and Diego Rubio at the forefront of a government crisis in October

The replacement of Jose Luis Escrivá by Oscar Lopez The Ministry of Digital Transformation is by no means the end of changes in the Pedro Sanchez to the Government and to Moncloa, according to socialist sources.

In fact, this is the first step in the changes that he is preparing, according to these sources, at the three levels of power: his team closest to Moncloa, the Council of Ministers and the PSOE. It is about “lose skin“to give the image of a renewed project and energize the start of the legislature.

In his closest team, Pedro Sánchez has once again changed the profile of the most trusted position of a government president: that of chief of staff. First it was Ivan Redondonon-militant consultant; then Oscar Lopez, a traditional politician of device and now Diego Rubioacademic without militancy. Redondo and Lopez lasted about three years.

Socialist sources believe that there are likely to be deeper changes within this government, where there has been a notable lack of parity since the beginning of the Sánchez government in 2018.

The situation of Antonio HernandoLopez’s number two at Moncloa, and also a politician of device which, in turn, remains somewhat sheltered. His name had already been mentioned a year ago as a possible minister and he will return to the pools.

The next step is to remodeling of his governmenta year after it began. Socialist sources predict that it will take place at the end of October, coinciding with the departure of the vice-president. Therese Ribera to be a European Commissioner, probably with the rank of Vice-President of the Commission.

By then, a deeper change will be possible to achieve political momentum. It came out in December Nadia Calvino and now Escrivá and some sources understand that Sánchez is not entirely satisfied with his team in the Council of Ministers.

Political repulsion

Related to these changes such as political disgust would be the PSOE Federal Congress November 29 and 30 and October 1. And, subsequently, the provincial and regional congresses in which it is assumed that Sánchez will try to renew federations such as those of Andalusia, Madrid, Castilla y León and Aragon, among others, so that the party is in perfect condition in the first months of 2025. for any electoral eventuality.

For this congress, and always with the exception of the secrecy and unpredictability of Sánchez, notable changes in the party leadership are taken for granted.

The sources rely on the impression conveyed by the socialist leader himself of a certain unease with its functioning. Sánchez understands, according to these versions, that it is not operational and does not work properly.

The replacement of the head of the Organization does not seem logical, Santos Cerdanamong other things because if we have to intervene in bloody battles in the territories, no one like him knows how the party works in each of the socialist headquarters.

Doubts remain about the situation of Maria Jesus Montero who now occupies the first vice-presidency of the government and the vice-secretary of the PSOE, an unusual situation until now.

However, there is a new variable since this Wednesday: the promotion to the position of minister of Óscar López, member of the device socialist since the time of Alfredo Perez Rubalcabawhile he was in fact responsible for the Organization.

Regarding Teresa Ribera’s departure from the Commission, the key date is 11 September, when Ursula von der Leyen make public the list of commissioners. Government sources assume that she will have the rank of vice-president and hope that she will have powers over energy and not just the environment.

At that time, the dates of the hearings or appearances will be set with about three hours of questioning and interrogation, which could be the first two weeks of October. And then he will take up his duties in Brussels, always before the dates of the PSOE congress, at the end of November.




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