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HomeLatest NewsConcern in Navarre over the increase in accidents with electric scooters: tips...

Concern in Navarre over the increase in accidents with electric scooters: tips to avoid them

He death of a 20 year old man after having been crushed last Saturday while riding an electric scooter in Huarte relaunched the debate on this form of mobility in Navarrewhere the The Provincial Police appreciates an increasing “drip” of accidents with this type of vehicle implied.

He accident This happened on Saturday afternoon when the young man was hit by a car while riding a scooter at number 11 of Ugarrandia de Huarte Avenue.

He injured, resident of the town of Ollokisuffered a very serious head trauma and was transferred to the University Hospital of Navarra, where he died in intensive care.

The General Directorate of Traffic reminds that each municipality can regulate, in a specific manner, the circulation of vehicles. Personal mobility vehicles (PMV)including electric scooters, but all users must meet minimum requirements.

SO, VMPs are prohibited from driving on sidewalkspedestrian zones, level crossings, motorways, expressways, interurban roads or tunnels in urban areas. The routes authorized for traffic will be indicated by a municipal ordinance. If there is none, traffic is authorized on any urban road.

THE The speed of these vehicles must be between 6 and 25 km/h and their drivers are subject to the same maximum alcohol level permitted by road safety lawas well as a ban on driving with drugs in your body.

They also can’t wear headphonesor use a mobile phone or any other device while driving.

A constant stream of accidents

The person responsible for Communication from the regional police, Mikel Santamaríaexplained to EFE that there is a constant “drip-drip” of accidents involving electric scootersbut this “makes sense” because “there are more and more vehicles, there are more and more risks and there are more and more accidents.”

He commented in particular: accidents of this type happen “in itinere”of people going to or coming back from work.

Santamaría stressed that it must be taken into account that these are some vehicles “with many limitations” and that they are also widely used “by the elderly, with little capacity to react”.

For this reason, he asked users to electric scooters exercise “the greatest caution” and carry out “the adaptation of driving to all road circumstanceslike the weather forecast.”

The local police recommends having accident insurance

The regional police spokesman said that when there are accidents involving crowds or people are injured, The scooter undergoes a visual inspection and a technical checkbecause “we already meet scooters rigged to go faster than the legal speed limitwe see real bangs going at 100 miles an hour.”

He Of course“, he commented, at the moment it is not mandatory, but they recommend “including it in home or car insurance, especially third party insurance, like when you have a dog, putting it in the coverage of another insurance, because, if something happens, you are responsible.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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