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“We are not a racist country”

Vinicius In recent times, he has become a standard-bearer in the fight against racism in sport. The Spanish footballer has had to endure too many unpleasant episodes in different stadiums of the Spanish league. Real Madrid, and many complaints have been filed about this.

This is why whenever the Brazilian is asked about this subject, he is extremely inflexible in his answers. It is something that affects him very closely, that he feels very deeply and with which he is not willing to negotiate.

His latest statement on the matter came a few days ago in an interview that will soon be published with the CNN. His words on that occasion resonated too strongly and provoked rejection from various personalities, from his teammates in the locker room to politicians.

Vinicius, during the match against Real Betis.


Vinicius has advocated a radical decision if the racist episodes in Spanish football do not end. He has openly considered the possibility of withdrawing Spain from the 2030 World Cup to avoid footballers having to face xenophobic passages, but these statements immediately sparked great controversy.

From Daniel Carvajal until José Luis Martinez-Almeidathe mayor of Madrid, have expressed their opposition to Vinicius’ opinion. A large current contrary to the Brazilian’s opinion has spread like wildfire in recent hours, stating that it is not appropriate to ask for the expulsion of Spain as organizer of the 2030 World Cup.

Words of discord

“I hope that Spain can evolve and understand how serious it is to insult someone because of the colour of their skin. Until 2030, we have a lot of room for evolution. I hope that Spain can evolve and understand how serious it is to insult someone because of the colour of their skin, because if in 2030 things don’t evolve, I think we have to move the World”, Vinicius commented in his controversial interview.

It is true that the Brazilian footballer managed to clarify. He stated that those who utter this type of racist insults are only a minority and that they do not dominate the stands of football stadiums, but he has once again sown doubt and cast doubt on whether Spain is a racist country.

“I want to do everything I can to change things, because there are many people in Spain, the majority, who are not racist. It is a small group that ends up affecting the image of a country in which it is very good to live. I love playing for Real Madrid. Spain. “I have the best conditions to live here with my family,” he added.

Reactions are coming

Vinicius’s comments quickly spread through the media and social networks and generated a climate of tension that once again highlights the debate on the real extent of racism in Spain.

The opposite responses were not long in coming, even from people who appreciate him and share their daily life with the Brazilian footballer. This is the case of Dani Carvajal. The Real Madrid captain did not hesitate to oppose his teammate and stress that it was not appropriate to ask Spain not to organize the 2030 World Cup.

Dani Carvajal and Luis de la Fuente, in the European Cup


“The 2030 World Cup will be a success,” Carvajal insisted in a preview of the match that the Spanish team will play this Thursday against Serbia in the Nations League.

The Spanish international showed on the one hand his support for Vinicius, but also his firm conviction that Spain is not a racist country: “We are against racism, and I know what ‘Vini’ suffers. We support him internally and publicly. Beyond this small group of people, I believe that Spain is a country of diversity and respect, it is not a racist country in which I grew up. Leganes, which is pure diversity, and Spain is not racist.”

In the same spirit, it was declared Luis de la Fuente when it appeared. “Spain is not a racist country. Spain is an example of coexistence, respect and integration. Is there always an undesirable person? Of course, but I insist, Spain is not racist and it is an example that many countries must take into consideration. With Morocco and PortugalThe World Cup will be a unique event.”

Very energetic responses have therefore come from two major players in Spanish football, one of whom is even Vinicius’s partner in the Real Madrid dressing room. Two very clear messages, that Spain is not racist and that the 2030 World Cup will be a success.

But even beyond football, they talked about it. On the political level, the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martinez-Almeidaalso took the opportunity to respond to the Brazilian player. In fact, he asked Vinicius to “immediately rectify” his remarks.

“We are all aware that there are racist episodes in society and that we must work hard to eliminate these racist episodes. However, it is deeply unfair to Spain and, in particular, to Madrid, to say that we are a racist society and, in addition, to compromise the celebration of the 2030 World Cup,” said the mayor of the capital.

It is precisely Madrid that will be one of the main focuses of this 2030 World Cup thanks to the headquarters of the Metropolitano and the Santiago BernabeuEven without official confirmation, the grand final would take place at the Bernabéu, so the mayor felt the need to confront Vinicius’s comments.

A real earthquake has been triggered again with the last words of the Brazilian footballer, always supported in the fight against racism but who has caused division because of his position on the 2030 World Cup.




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