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HomeLatest NewsUPN claims that the concert with Catalonia aims at "disconnection with the...

UPN claims that the concert with Catalonia aims at “disconnection with the rest of Spain”

THE senator of the Union of the Navarro People (UPN), María Caballerohe assured this Wednesday in the Upper room that the “unique financing” of Catalonia “is actually a concertno matter how much they call it something else.”

Sir, who made these statements during the appearance in the Senate of the First Vice President of the Government and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, to explain the agreement between the CPS and the ERC invest Salvador Illa, said that “The Socialist Party is capable of anything to avoid losing powerwhich is his only obsession.” “First, it was the amnesty; Subsequently, the sale of the Mayor of Pamplona in Bilduand now, a economic agreement with Catalonia “This does not fit into the Constitution and breaks with the principle of solidarity,” he said.

In her speech, the regionalist senator rejected the criticisms which, in this context, have been addressed by various sectors to the Navarre Conventionwhich “has nothing to do with the Catalan concert neither in its origin nor in its purpose”. “In its origin – he explained – The Navarre Convention has its roots in our historical rights and it is protected by the Constitution in its first additional provisionwhile The Catalan concert lacks any legitimacy. And in its objective, the latter seeks to contribute less to the common fund, to be less supportive, more selfish and, as the ultimate goal, the disconnection of Catalonia from the State. An unconstitutional and unsupportive fiscal agreement that, in addition, is preceded by a debt forgiveness to Catalonia of 15 billion euros that comes from the pockets of all Spaniards, including those of Navarre.

“On the contrary,” he added, “the Navarrese economic agreement is based on the pact and is in solidarity with the rest of the Spanish, since Navarre transfers to the Spanish government the contribution for the transfers not assumed by the Foral Community, and within these, also for the the interests and repayment dates of the State debt, of which we Navarrese pay 1.6% for investments that contribute to territorial cohesion, such as the 57 billion euros invested in high speed in Spain, of which we Navarrese have contributed 900 million, while in our community we have executed a little more than 224 million.”

“For all this – concluded the senator – it must be clear that Jurisdiction is the opposite of a territorial clash, which marks the end of the Catalan concert, and when the regional regime of Navarre is questioned, calling it a privilege, using it as a political weapon and trying to include our community in the common regime, our historical rights are violated and, consequently, also the Constitution that protects them.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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