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HomeBreaking NewsRussian Energy Minister names reasons for blackout in Primorye

Russian Energy Minister names reasons for blackout in Primorye

The power accident in Primorye in August was linked to the human factor, but a special commission will publish conclusions on its causes, Russian Energy Minister Sergei Tsivilev said on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.

In August, there was a massive power outage in Primorye. Residents of many settlements were left without electricity. Authorities explained that there was a short circuit in the 500 kW network of the Luchegorskaya state district power plant.

“I understand why this situation happened, the human factor. But now we are drawing very serious conclusions, a whole commission is working on it. Based on the conclusions of this commission, we will “publicize” and examine this case throughout Russia.” – the minister said, answering a question about the reasons for the massive power outage in Primorye in the summer.

Federal authorities will further investigate the motives, Tsivilev added.

The Eastern Economic Forum will be held in Vladivostok from 3 to 6 September.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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