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Emmanuel Macron appoints the National Rally as arbitrator between the candidates for Matignon

Marine Le Pen’s phone has been ringing off the hook for the past few days. Emmanuel Macron has asked the far-right leader for his opinion. What does he think of Xavier Bertrand in Matignon? Not good. The MP from Pas-de-Calais feels a fierce hatred towards the president (Les Républicains) of Hauts-de-France and makes this known to the Head of State. The candidacy of the representative of the social right for the rue de Varenne is therefore on the way.

The hypothesis, which kept the political and media world in suspense for several hours, was dismissed on Wednesday 4 September at the end of the day. The day before, the fate of the president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), Thierry Beaudet, had been sealed in a few minutes by the National Rally (RN), the party that is judging the man, close to the reformist unions. , too “insulting” towards the Le Penist formation.

Will Jean-Marie Le Pen’s daughter be more lenient with Michel Barnier? Sixty days after the result of the legislative elections, the President of the Republic, on Wednesday evening, changed his tone again to put the name of the former European Commissioner to the test among everyone. Does the Republican – defeated in 2021 during the right-wing primaries for the 2022 presidential elections – have a sufficiently consensual profile not to be overthrown by a motion of censure at the Palais Bourbon after his nomination? The Elysée wants to know for sure.

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Emmanuel Macron is thus resuming his marathon of consultations. According to the Elysée, the Pas-de-Calais MP was to be questioned, like the other party and group leaders of the National Assembly, on the advisability of appointing the former Brexit negotiator to Matignon.

Does Marine Le Pen remember that Michel Barnier accused her in 2022 of wanting to lead the country towards “national contraction” Or would you rather recall that the former European Commissioner had also promised a referendum on immigration in the past? The opinion of the far-right leader counts doubly in the eyes of the Elysée. “Marine Le Pen is giving everyone the kiss of death. The National Rally has 142 deputies, we have to make do with that” sighs Senator Hervé Marseille (Union of Democrats and Independents) for Hauts-de-Seine, an ally of Emmanuel Macron.

The RN, marginalized but essential

A pariah party during the legislative elections of July 7, when the spirit of the republican front was revived, the RN assumed the role of kingmaker. Pity! “comments on X, David Djaïz, former rapporteur of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR). “I share the same question: of the so-called “republican front”, today we are turning the RN into the chief censor or not of a future PM. [premier ministre] »Paris MP Astrid Panosyan protests on social media.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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