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HomeEntertainment NewsAt Sciences Po, the search for a “serene” return to school despite...

At Sciences Po, the search for a “serene” return to school despite the referral of 25 students to the disciplinary section

After the beginning of 2024 ” complicated “, The interim administrator of Sciences Po hopes that the time has come “serenity”. Jean Bassères presented to the press, on Wednesday, September 4, his “back to school plan” which will be deployed in five areas to “replace the culture of debate and dialogue at the heart of the institution.”

Affected by the sudden departure of its director Mathias Vicherat, who was brought back to his ex-partner for acts of domestic violence before the criminal court, and then by the consequences of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the school welcomes the start of the year, with some 1,850 new students, with a motto, “the dialogue”incriminated the former head of Pôle emploi (now France Travail), in office since March 26 on rue Saint-Guillaume, at 7my district of Paris.

The start of the school year should allow Sciences Po to have a new leader, a committee on purpose The Council will be responsible for auditioning half a dozen candidates on September 5 and 6. Those who have been selected from the “short list” will be received by the two governing councils on September 19 and 20.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Sciences Po: at least seven candidates are running for the leadership

Between March and July, tensions and blockades increased in Paris and on regional campuses. Students mobilised in favour of Gaza were evacuated by the police on several occasions at the request of the management. Most exams were able to take place between the end of June and the beginning of July, but in a very tense atmosphere.

Freedom of expression and dispute resolution

Return to the exchange center “the ethics of debate” It seems like a priority, Bassères said. “We are aware that the Sciences Po educational model encourages singularities but it must also be an incentive to build common pointshe explained. Students must learn that it is possible to disagree peacefully. »

Starting in September, all first and second year students will have a lesson on freedom of expression, presenting their “legal basis” and its use, particularly on social media. A compulsory online module will then be devoted to combating discrimination, anti-Semitism and racism, and will be complemented by workshops aimed at students responsible for associations or an institutional mission.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Sciences Po: eight students prosecuted in disciplinary section after occupation of amphitheater in support of the Palestinian people

Third action: awareness-raising and training of 850 students in the amicable resolution of disputes and conflicts. Twenty mediators, “supervised by mediation professionals outside Sciences Po”, They will be recruited from students at the Le Havre, Poitiers and Reims campuses for “facilitate coexistence on campus throughout the year”.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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