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Financial education: How to get started with banking?

Digitalization has become a concept present in everyday life and now essential to manage the finances of any citizen. Thus, digital training, which includes, among other things, advice for a safe digital life or access to basic training on digital banking – main channels and use, access codes and identification or practical navigation through the application and website -, is an essential tool to navigate the new financial ecosystem.

This is why Banco Santander focuses its work in favour of financial education on this task. In this way, most of the initiatives it promotes to train different groups – such as children and adolescents, the elderly, people with disabilities, social entrepreneurs and groups at risk of social exclusion – are already adapted to the demands of our times.

Finance for mortals

Aware of the importance of this learning to promote progress, the entity launched in 2013 Finance for mortalsits flagship financial education program, recognized as one of the main in the country by the Bank of Spain and the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), and which in 2023 reached around 91,000 people. With this program, Banco Santander offers financial education to these most financially vulnerable groups and seeks to raise awareness of the importance of knowing how to organize and manage our finances from childhood.

So far this year, more than 21,000 people have participated in the more than 1,000 training workshops of this program taught by almost 200 volunteer professionals from the entity. They have participated as trainers in the more than 1,000 workshops offered throughout the country. between January and June 2024. The workshops, whose volume exceeds the total of 2023, have been developed in different parts of the national map, with notable activity in the autonomous communities of Galicia, Castile and León, Andalusia and Madrid. Among the initiatives promoted by Banco Santander in financial education are several subdivisions.

Finance for Mortals Senior Edition

It is aimed at people over 65 years of age. The objective of its implementation is to provide basic financial education to one of the groups that needs it most in the face of the digital transformation in which we are immersed. Key cybersecurity concepts, such as tips for a secure digital life; basic training on digital banking, including the main channels and uses, access codes and identification or practical navigation through the application and website; and the use of ATMs and Post office cash, such as card-based and cardless operations, useful and common procedures or even use of the service Cash desk via post offices or postmen with whom they can receive an amount of up to 500 euros; These are the three major themes that are addressed in the workshops.

Finance for Mortals Junior Edition

Last year, the entity launched these workshops focused on learning financial concepts from an early age in order to provide children with very useful knowledge and skills to understand their own family economy from an early age and become well-informed citizens ready to manage and consume. in a more responsible manner. The workshops are delivered under the motto Financiers of the future and are organized into three levels of knowledge. Specific content for the 1st and 2nd years of primary school, which addresses concepts such as money and cards, transactions, income or expenses through games and simple problem solving; In the 3rd and 4th years, concepts such as work and salary, what a company is or the function of financial entities are added; and a third level for the 5th and 6th years of primary school, which also addresses planning and budgeting, the concept of savings or how to analyze the results of income and expenses, among other topics. All this with simple language, practical examples and games related to their environment, through an interactive and practical learning formula.

Finance for Mortals Inclusive Edition

In this edition for disabled people intellectual, training is offered designed with highly visual content, graphics and simple language, and whose content has been developed with the advice of Plena Inclusion experts.

In 2023, more than 440 volunteer professionals from Banco Santander participated as trainers in the various free financial education workshops provided within the framework of the programs. Finance for mortals, which is developed with the collaboration of Santander Financial Institute (SANFI), T.We Finance, your futurepromoted by the Spanish Banking Association (AEB) or Financial education in schools in Catalonia, promoted by the Institute of Financial Studies.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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