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HomeLatest NewsWhat you need to know before passing a police vehicle

What you need to know before passing a police vehicle

Drivers often feel a surge of tension when they encounter an authority car on the road. It doesn’t matter if it’s one of the National Police, Municipal Police, Civil Guardetc. The most common, since it is responsible for sanctioning where appropriate on the road, is to be found most often in the Civil Guard.

When this happens, what happens is that drivers see a series of thoughts come to our minds, ranging from If all the papers are taken into the triangles. Let’s not forget that the tension will make us hesitate to overtake these vehicles when we need to, because we will be afraid of a fine.

We must not forget that the tension makes us doubt about overtaking these vehicles when we need them, because we will have fear of a fine.

It is common for the presence of an authority vehicle on the road to generate a certain nervousness, as many drivers come to question compliance with the rules.

The important thing is to keep calm and act safelyalways having confidence in the right thing to do.

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The truth is that as long as the general highway code is respected and you overtake respecting all the traffic rules and limits that are circulating, you can overtake a Civil Guard or Police vehiclewithout any problem. There is no law or regulation that can explicitly prevent this.

When overtaking on a motorway, you must turn on your indicator and you must respect the safety distance before overtaking.

When this is done on a conventional road you should do the same and be sure that you will be able to do a overtake without risk and that you will not exceed the maximum authorized speed by more than ten kilometers per hour. Do not force other vehicles to modify or change speed.

Something more common than you might think

It is generally normal for drivers to eventually brake or reduce their speed when they see a Civil Guard carbut there is no rule that says this is mandatory.

You should only behave this way when asked to do so by the traffic officer or when you are at a checkpoint. If you follow the rules and do not exceed the speed limits, you should not worry or reduce your speed.

Behavior that can even be dangerous

Reducing speed without a justified reason can be dangerous and cause an accident. sudden reaction in other cars, in a way that increases the risk of an accident.

The normal thing is to maintain speed and follow the highway code, which allows you to drive serenely, and even overtake traffic officers without any problem.

When do you give way to the emergency vehicle?

Emergency vehicles, ambulances, police and firefighters have priority on the road when they are on emergency duty, as provided for by the regulations. If they are to be on emergency duty, it is necessary to use lights, in addition to acoustic signals to indicate presence, where emergency lights have been blue since 2018.

Here it is possible to exceed speed limits and disregard certain road signs, provided you do not endanger others.

Drivers should ensure that there will be no risk before ignoring signs such as traffic lights, and should follow the instructions of drivers. DGT agents.

Article 69 says you have to move to the right, even when stopping.

When a police car flashing or blinking is coming up behind you, you must stop on the right, just in front of the vehicle, provided that you do not endanger other drivers.

When a driver a non-priority car If you are forced to carry out emergency interventions, you will have to warn others by using the horn intermittently and waving your handkerchief out of the same window, as specified in article 70 of the RGC.

Although it is urgent, it is necessary to respect the highway code, especially at intersections. This type of situation is only justified in real emergency situations, where officers can ask for explanations. Failure to comply with the rules will be considered a most serious offence.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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