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After seven weeks, the opposition continues to put more pressure on Emmanuel Macron

“Marine Le Pen is not Emmanuel Macron’s human resources director,” says Sébastien Chenu

The vice-president of the National Rally (RN), Sébastien Chenu, declared on BFM-TV on Thursday: “Marine Le Pen is not Emmanuel Macron’s human resources director”. the registered nurse “it is not there to validate or invalidate” the names proposed by the head of state, he added.

“There is a bit of irony in all this. A few weeks ago, it was not necessary to talk to the National Assembly, it had to be defeated at all costs. Today, they are barely courting us.”the deputy from the North underlines.

By Sébastien Chenu and Emmanuel Macron “has other possibilities” to resign, in particular “Finding a solution that would allow, by appointing someone, to go and see the parliamentary groups in the National Assembly and perhaps find majorities on each of the texts and draw up a budget.”

Although it stands out that Michel Barnier, Matignon’s cited surname, “it doesn’t make anyone dream” and that the former European Commissioner and Brexit negotiator is “subject to European doxa”Sébastien Chenu did not close the door. “I’m waiting to see.” Is Michel Barnier committed to proportional representation? I’m not sure, because he comes from a family, Les Républicains, which is very hostile to proportional representation.”the RN vice president stressed.

The RN would not censor ” immediately “ a prime minister “Who would say that he is in favour of proportional representation, that he is attacking immigration, security, the purchasing power of the French and that he respects the National Rally as the leading political force?”recalled Sébastien Chenu.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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