Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 1:29 am
HomeLatest News"They learned from Zapatero, Sánchez's main guru"

“They learned from Zapatero, Sánchez’s main guru”

On Wednesday afternoon, the PP published a reaction to the appointments of José Luis Escriva as the new governor of the Bank of Spain and Óscar López to replace him as Minister of Digital Transformation. The statement, sent to journalists in the form of PP “sources”, is as follows:

“The Popular Party wants to express its satisfaction that the new Minister of Digital Transformation is not at least a direct member of the family of the President of the Government, which is the only barrier that Pedro Sánchez has not crossed at the moment.

We understand that it needs a government of praetorians that takes into account its internal precariousness. That is why he chose someone who shares with him an intellectual and ethical reference within the PSOE: José Blanco. They all learned from Zapatero, who remains Sánchez’s main guru.

The PP appreciates Óscar López’s ability to predict. Years ago, he said that Pedro Sánchez “would lead us to disaster” and he was not wrong. In this sense, his abilities are inversely proportional to those of the president of the CEI.

Lopez was a worse cabinet director than Iván Redondo. Let’s hope he is a better minister than Escrivá, who is being dismissed from the government so as not to disturb the ministers of Bolaños and Sumar, and to have someone at the Bank of Spain who will obey the president of the government.

The new minister has a hard time being the most impertinent Oscar in the Council of Ministers, as well as the most insolvent López of the PSOE spokesmen in the Congress of Deputies.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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