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“They are in Lamborghinis and the Madrid workers are stuck in the Cercanías”

The President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusocondemned the contempt of Pedro Sanchez to the region after the President of the Government assured that the Community of Madrid “grants tax gifts to the richest instead of improving the lives of the middle class.” The response of the regional leader was not long in coming: “The Government is working so that 16 councilors of Savior Illa “They drive Lamborghinis and the Madrid workers find themselves trapped daily in the Cercanías that they manage.”

Sánchez also attacked the Madrid health system, saying that Ayuso’s health model “consults a billion euros for private health care.” “These are just lies,” President Ayuso responded.It is easier to find a needle in a haystack than a truth in the archives of Pedro Sánchez’s diary“And he adds: “even when he lies, he still lies when he talks about a change of opinion: circular migration is a lack of migratory control, singularity is called privileges for members, what historical memory is is a single thought, negative growth, an economic blow. , Catalan concert of “theft of the people of Madrid and the rest of the Spaniards.”

Statements by the President of the Community and the PP of Madrid at the inauguration of the political course of the PP of Madrid, in Arganda del Rey. In his speech, Ayuso also wanted to clarify that “the project inhabited by Moncloa, which, of course, does not govern Spain, is leading us to a turbulent autumn: they mix the budgets and the financing system with the territorial model that was democratically chosen by all Spaniards, to hand over the history and unity of Spain to those who have always lived from it, to put an end to it.”.

“They exploit every crisis and scandal at the same time so that the government can survive a little longer, jumping from improvisation to improvisation, using all the means of the State, and worse, without measuring the damage they cause to Spain and the Spaniards,” concluded Ayuso.

On the other hand, the president of the Community of Madrid asked the regional presidents of the PP not to sit down bilaterally with the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, and not to follow him in “his strategy of buying back the communities.”

It’s not a question of money, it’s a question of Spain“It is a government that wastes everyone’s money,” he said in Arganda del Rey. The Madrid leader believes that Sanchez wants to “divide the autonomies to whitewash the territorial rupture that is being created” and to unite the position of the PP and that of the Government, to also dilute the figure of its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

“I ask the presidents of the autonomous communities not to believe in the strategy of Sánchez and his accomplice Montero, they will recognize her as the lady who, by applauding, generates more wind energy than everyone else,” he joked at the press conference, while defending that she refuses to “speak only of Madrid.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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