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HomeBreaking NewsOpposition is ready to walk over corpses if only it loses “Dream”...

Opposition is ready to walk over corpses if only it loses “Dream” – EADaily, September 5, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

Autumn has arrived, which means that there are less than two months left until the parliamentary elections in Georgia. Many citizens, after spending their summer holidays, did not follow the election campaign of political parties very closely, but we can trust their words: millions of lari were spent, and first of all, on organizing meetings with the most needy part of the population to promise a better life to the unhappy people.

Paradoxically, during election campaigns millions of dollars are spent on promises that obviously cannot be fulfilled, and it would probably be much more useful, better and more honest to simply distribute this money directly to those in need.

Let’s start with the ruling team. Georgian Dream persistently convinces voters that it will definitely need a constitutional majority at the polls to fulfill all its promises. True, the party is not opposed to receiving a regular majority, but in this case, as its leaders admit, it will not be able to implement the promised constitutional changes, and the blame for this will fall on the people – they say, you yourself did not provide us with the necessary mandate of trust. From this point of view, it seems that “Dream” will definitely win, but we will talk about what this trust is based on below.

To tell the truth, now the ruling team is more concerned not so much with the victory itself, but with the recognition of its legitimacy. The fact is that the West unanimously declares: we will not accept any other result than the defeat of the Georgian dream and we will come to Georgia to protect the people’s votes. Meanwhile, as is known, elections are held in almost all of Georgia in electronic format, and falsification is completely excluded here. And even if individual events did occur, they would be on an extremely insignificant scale, which could in no way influence the final result of the vote. Moreover, in order to declare the elections fraudulent, the West will need very serious arguments: violations must be recorded at polling stations, appropriate complaints must be filed… This is where it is alarming that both local citizens and foreign government organizations are, as they say in such cases, fully armed and prepared for this.

It is no coincidence that we mention non-governmental organizations. Last week, the Sirtskhvilia (Shame) movement was entered into the register of foreign influence, as required by a law passed by the Georgian Parliament. The leaders of the movement argued for their decision by saying that after a detailed review of the document, they were convinced that it did not refer to accusations of any kind of covert activity. And then the opposition, together with other non-governmental organizations, literally crucified them. The harassment turned out to be so strong that Sirtskhvilia withdrew its application for registration and… No foreign diplomat claimed that this had been done against its will, no one protested, as if everyone thought that this was the way it should be.

By the way, the destructive forces have shown everyone that bullying will be one of the effective means that the opposition intends to use in the upcoming elections, making it clear that the process has already begun. A video appeared on social media in which one of the “journalists” of an opposition TV channel approaches an underage teenager and shames him: “Aren’t you ashamed to be next to a Dream MP and feel like his slave?” In the frame, voices of people can be heard trying to explain to the unceremonious “journalist” that the teenager is the son of a MP and therefore stands next to his own father, but the “journalist” with a victoriously face continues to put pressure on him: “You should be even more ashamed!” That is, through its lips, the opposition inspires an underage child that he should be ashamed of his own father, and all this is recorded on camera without any shame or embarrassment.

Unfortunately, this incident is not an isolated one. Another representative of the opposition channel attacked a woman in a grocery store and angrily asked her: “Aren’t you ashamed to be standing next to this slave?” The woman calmly and restrainedly replied that she was standing next to her husband, but this did not stop the “journalist”: “You should be even more ashamed, since you have such a husband.”

What is this: a gross violation of journalistic ethics, rudeness and lack of professionalism? Certainly. But, first of all, this is evidence that TV channels of a certain (and understandable) orientation were given a specific task by their owners: to intimidate members of the families of deputies, regardless of their age, gender, status and social origin, into acting on the principle that the more insults and impudence, the better. It is already clear that the opposition, non-governmental organizations and opposition TV channels are confident that in the upcoming elections they will have the right to do whatever they want; they were made to understand this directly, without hints.

It is possible that it was calculated that one of the deputies or high officials would not hold back and inflict physical insults on the provocateur and “psychological rapist” who attacked him. I think it is not difficult to imagine what will follow. Actions will be organized in which speakers will passionately declare that a free journalist representing a free press was beaten and demand not only the arrest of the “culprit” himself, but also the resignation of the entire current government, and Western diplomats will cover up this provocation in their official statements. Primitive, crude, but enough to at least hold on to something.

The discussion in the Constitutional Court on the law “On the transparency of foreign influence” caused a lot of noise. The main “trump card” of the opposition was that only those non-governmental organizations controlled by the authorities apply for registration. A strange absurdity! According to official documents, about 400 entities have already submitted applications for registration. This raises the question: if Georgian Dream controls 400 foundations and non-governmental organizations, why conduct an election campaign? You can consider, gentlemen, that it has already won the election!

In a word, the registered subjects immediately become the object of harassment by both the opposition and the West. It is not just about statements – such NGOs and foundations will stop receiving funding. But those who do not register demonstratively and stand out with aggressive statements are also demonstratively and openly funded, which is now prohibited by Georgian law. Moreover, these organizations and the opposition do not even bother to give explanations and do not care at all about what the authorities say and decide. The main thing for them now is to prevent the Georgian Dream from winning the elections, and for this they are ready to do anything, even walk over dead bodies. What can we say about the sanctity of the family, the rights of women and children, traditional respect for them, which the opposition and its Western sponsors do not give a damn about?

Unfortunately, the current government is unable to take any fundamental steps in this direction. Complaining to international organizations is equivalent, as popular wisdom says, to taking offense at a wolf and seeking the truth with a fox. However, such a blatant activation of destructive forces represented by the opposition and non-governmental organizations cannot be tolerated either, as this process negatively affects voters. It is possible that quite a few citizens will follow suit, believing that everything is predetermined and predetermined, and that power in the country will change.

The ruling team publicly declares that a change of power in the country will inevitably lead to war, moreover, in Georgia, in this case, same-sex marriage will be legalized and same-sex couples will have the right to adopt children. It is noteworthy that the opposition and non-governmental organizations do not deny the latter, claiming that the Georgian Dream is only misinforming the public that they are supposedly pushing the country towards war. However, who knows, what if what is not denied turns out to be even worse, more dangerous and the West manages to enslave us even without war? Yes, exactly to enslave! Because we have already moved, and quite quickly, in this direction. At some point we were lucky to stop, and now we are at the stage where we can escape from the hands of our former masters. The West understands this well and therefore bluntly says that the “Dream” must be defeated at any cost in these elections. Who cares about the will of the people? Ultimately, the will of the liberals weighs in the balance and they demand that it be strictly enforced.

That’s why Bidzina Ivanishvili The opposition constantly repeats the call: “Everyone to the elections!” He explains that it is not “Dream” that should win them, but Georgia. And the main event, as one might expect, will unfortunately not take place on October 26, as befits democratic elections, but on the 27th, when, after the electronic counting of votes, the general results will be known and clarified. The opposition and the non-governmental sector are actively preparing for October 27. On the opposition side, they have already agreed to call a demonstration a week before the elections, at which it will be stated that people should not go home after the end of voting, that everyone should gather on Rustaveli Avenue and start fighting to protect their votes. It is in such a situation that the fate of our country will be decided, because an undesirable outcome for the opposition and the West will immediately be followed by a call for protest, and there is a high probability that, in this context, an attempt will be made. to storm the parliament building and the Government House. To protect the protesters, many European ambassadors will come to Rustaveli, and first of all, of course, the US ambassador. This is not a conspiracy theory at all, it is a real scenario that is actively discussed by opposition parties, non-governmental organizations and their partners – Western diplomats. They do not even consider it necessary to hide their true intentions and express them behind closed doors.

The goal of both sides is extremely clear – while the West and the opposition are less concerned about the opinion of voters, they are interested in the will of the people – they are ready to pay any price for the victory of the opposition. And then it will no longer matter which opposition faction will receive more mandates in parliament – the main thing is that the “National Movement” will return to power in Georgia, and of course, the first thing the “Nazis” will do is release them from prison. Mikhail Saakashvili.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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